New Love: Latex

Mistress Couple and myself making rubber magic!

L is for Latex, R is for Rubber Bands (ouch), B is for Balloons — last weekend’s activities smelled of rubber and felt even better… I have always eyed the latex at fetish cons, but never tried it on. The price tag was too heavy, and it seemed like a pain in the ass to deal with knowing I wasn’t going to buy any — in full disclosure, I am a sniffer though, and I have lingered in rooms just for the smell of it. Over the years I’ve gazed long and hard at alien-like designs in smooth black rubber stretched over bodies making animated oil slicks and curvy, tight, sausages from people’s soft structures. Photographs of the Rubber Ball were an alluring fascination for my imagination years before I found my place in the kink community: what did these people do (other than look sexy fabulous)?

I’ve tried a few different drugs in my time, but I’ve never felt so perfectly high as I did wearing a borrowed latex dress to a kink party. Seriously. I could not keep my hands off myself. After stroking the latex over and over again I couldn’t stop touching my own hands too — they felt different after petting the non-porous completely smooth second skin. I was grateful that my clothing attracted not only my own sensational desire, but the hands and caresses of others all night long. This Creature was very, very happy. I got to experience being shined with latex lube which encouraged more petting and a professional attention and pressure. It resulted in an illumination and glow to the slick rubber holding me in which was stunning. Temperature play and getting wet are entirely new worlds through this material too, and after a good paddling the heat radiating off my ass through a latex skirt was fabulous.

Latex is bondage. I’ve always been partial to steel boned corsets, and though latex alone won’t hold my spine up straight, the sensation of being sucked in everywhere my dress covered my skin was a phenomenal secret bondage for the night. Being held by this stretchy, strong, thin material was a practice in constriction I adored. The Baroness (latex designer and absolutely wonderful diva person) said something to the effect of “everyone thinks wearing latex is about looking good for other people, but really it’s all about how you feel in it. It’s for you”. I must agree one hundred percent. I felt incredible. And yes, it smooths out some lines, but I didn’t even care what rolls or lines were evident, as the sensation of this skin tight material was truly a beautiful one.

I felt powerful in latex, sensual, animal, and sexy… I feel sorry for those allergic to it, and glad my irritation only extends to the mucous membranes. Rubber Latex proves to be an aphrodisiac to this sex-ambivalent kinkster. What a wonderful gift, once again, Mother Nature has provided for our pleasure.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature (Crea)

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Power of Right and Wrong

Don’t let my tits stop you from calling me “Sir”.

We all like different things. While there are a lot of objects, experiences, activities, places, etc. many people enjoy, there are probably no things which everyone enjoys — certainly not enjoys equally. There are multiple ways to do the vast majority of tasks… So, why do we frequently teach within the paradigm of “right” and “wrong”? I think there are better ways. What is the value of teaching without an exploratory sense of one’s subject? Is critical thinking an important skill across the board? When we make mistakes are we resilient enough to call them out ourselves or do we cling to the intention we had when we made the mistake? Are you willing to look at the ways you might harm someone? How hard is it for you to apologize when that occurs? Can a conversation be reset when it gets tense? How? Do you prefer thinking of yourself as “a good person” who’s intention is not harmful — end of conversation? How do we learn if we believe we are “good” at our core, instead of accepting that we also sometimes fail which may make us look “bad” to others?… How do we reconcile these points of view within our communal outlook and interactions with others?

When navigating conversations with actual people intersectional understanding can come in handy. It is entirely possible to be knowledgeable about one community and fail interacting with a person from another affinity group when we don’t understand that a different approach is more respectful than the one we’re used to. This does touch on the dreaded concept of identity politics, but there are more and less useful ways to look at the politics of one’s identity than black and white rules of conduct. People’s identities are more complex than their affinity groups, and even identity itself is not “who a person is”, it’s simply representative of aspects of that person.

I’m suggesting what’s potentially helpful in this scenario rather than what exact phraseology should be used, but take these two phrases:

  1. “Never say things like that to a ___ person”.
  2. “I don’t appreciate being approached in that manner, it feels disrespectful considering my identity as a ___ person”.

The first sentence, though straight forward, condemns a person for not knowing something, for making a mistake within their engagement of the speaker. It implies they are bad for having done something wrong and could feel like a scolding. The second sentence takes responsibility for the speaker’s feelings, tells the other person something about why it’s important to change their approach, and invites them to engage in a more respectful way. Obviously there are many different ways to have this conversation, and wording preference or tone consideration can be helpful but shouldn’t be taken to extremes. Intent also matters (to a degree) within the imperfect conversations we all engage in. Nothing is all one or the other completely.

What this boils down to is power dynamics. It seems to me that people who don’t think a lot about power dynamics (often because they have been more empowered throughout their lives as they’ve navigated the world) frequently complain or double down when it’s brought to their attention that their approach toward another person isn’t working or is actually hurtful. What if instead of needing to be “right”, that person could find it within themselves to be curious — to know that they meant well yet also failed at being good to the person they meant well towards?

To open my heart to others means getting bruised sometimes, and it also means unintentionally bruising. The alternative to trying and failing is to be shut down, shut off, incapable of compassion, not curious about possibility, and eventually, I think, to become nihilistic above hopeful concerning the human potential for peace and evolution. I believe in our better selves. I believe in struggle leading to understanding. I believe in being uncomfortable for a while while I struggle with situations or concepts which hurt my head or heart. I believe in these things because questioning will make me understand the mechanism I’m confronted with better than arrogance. When I treat people as they wish to be treated (rather than how I wish to be treated), when I apologize for my mistakes, when I care to learn better ways than the ones I am familiar with, I become a better person to the people I am around. Learning to fail gracefully and adapt graciously is far more useful, in my opinion, than being right all the time within a small world constructed from a  bubble of self-congratulatory homogenous ease.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature (Crea)

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

I, Creature

This Creature is coming out… An Imp in all my glory, Cat dressed in people clothing, purring and biting tempestuously as I see fit…

My new name, bestowed upon me this weekend by The Baroness, is Creature. “Creature” is how I introduced myself to her, after considering she appreciates titles. Until now I’ve put off settling upon a salutation, as searching other’s solutions to this quandary, I’ve only come up empty handed. During a workshop on manners with Baroness, we were set the task of introducing ourselves to one another and then to her, and there it was, just waiting to be said: Creature.

  • Creature Karin
  • Creature

In the delicious Old Guard world of protocol, orientation dynamics, and servicing order, Mistress and Master won’t work for me. They slip on like lies, and I don’t prefer royal reference in my descriptor. Though I enjoy being called Sir, part of what I get out of it is that it pains some people to say (grin) directed toward my bumps and curves. I revel that it roots down as a loving caress from those who see me wholly, but Sir simply won’t sit up straight as a casual moniker amongst friends or if asked about within its longform reality — Mister, Monsieur, Monseigneur. Not I.

Creature fits. I am Creature. Big and small, submissive and Dominant, curious and playful, impish, imaginative, passionate, volatile, never properly perched as I quietly watch game in the room whilst picking out my targets, or occasionally melting in the teeth of a larger animal myself.

Call me Creature in your introductions please. Call me from my cave to your field of sunlit possibility, call me to your fire, your primal bed for wrestling, call me with your perversions, your dreams, your confessions of desire, fear me in the forest which is my home — yet be unable to resist reaching for my soft fur and sparkling eyes. I, Creature, see you…

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

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