Finding Work

Performance: at a recent Beltane event, I encouraged the audience to attach over one hundred clothespins with leaves to my body. My gesture to the ushering in of Springtime.

  • Attending a strip club on the arm of a new friend where we enjoy our evening watching one another receive lap dances and empathically get off on the aesthetics and arousal of each other’s proximity.
  • I walk two miles around town in sneakers until my feet are sore, sweaty, stinky, and tired, to be met by a stranger whose only desire is to grant me a massage, and worship my feet for the afternoon.
  • Encouraged to stomp on the balls of a gent who enjoys CBT. We play a game, drawing cards to determine which activities we engage in in his hotel room.
  • Weekly meetings with a self-described humdrum, discouraged about life, loyal submissive service bottom who adores the privilege of spending time close to the interesting life of Me, their encouraging, confident, and chore list wielding, Sir. …

These are just a few of the job opportunities I have perused this week. Will any pan out? I don’t know. They all sound really fun, and I would get something completely different from each scenario. Never before have I been as interested in hunting for gigs as I am right now.

When going for the opportunities I am interested in, it can be a depressing chore to continuously weed the wankers out from those actually interested in meeting and actually experiencing their posted idea of play. It can be hard to determine how safe I feel approaching a scenario, and it’s good that I have friends who allow me to use them as check-in and safety calls (thank you!).

What fantasies do you harbor? Have you posted them online before, or hired the help of a professional, an amateur, or a stranger to get your experience on? Do you rely on the help of friends or partners to fulfill your needs for adventure, or do you look to porn and erotica? Is your imagination good enough to do the trick? Have you pursued different strategies at different times in your life or within the confines of different relationships? Have you held yourself back from the realization of your fantasies? Do you prefer your fantasies to be just that — unrealized?

I believe this life is about living, and armed with healthy curiosity, clear boundaries, and an eye to what feels right (frequently indicated by what does not), I intend on living. From the first time I was told I couldn’t do something I wanted to because it wasn’t proper for a young lady, I have been hell bent on bucking the system which holds me back from my intrigue and desires. I want to have control over my destiny. I want to connect with people who inspire me. I want to have new experiences and cultivate good stories. I thoroughly enjoy taking control of the games I play with others, and often this comes in the form of simply saying the words “I want”.

Play On My Friends,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Domineering Brutish Communication

Is rampant on social media…

Makes me want to cry when I’m pre-menstrual…

Is extremely common in privileged and dominant culture circles…

Is not BDSM.

I am not saying kinky people communicate better than non-kinky people (oh, so very far from it in many cases, let me tell you), but I am saying that there is something about having privilege in your lived experience which frequently leads to less finely honed tools in the toolkit concerning those subjects. Without a certain amount or type of struggle in one’s life, blunter brute force often rears its head over a practiced grace like listening, not personalizing, and questioning the space between what you are hearing and the intentions and/or blindsightedness of the other speaker (and when I say speaker I frequently mean typer).

Is it really so hard to find those places within ourselves where we pause and question what someone is saying, rather than treating them as though they are inherently the enemy because we’re uncomfortable being pointed out as incorrect or less than perfectly evolved in our communicative efforts? Can we really not imagine that we are the bad guy? I’ve fucked up so many times in my life it’s, well, normal. If I didn’t face my fuck-ups though, I would still be that jerk making the same mistakes over and over again, winning the hearts and minds of precisely no one who isn’t exactly like me.

Truth: when someone hurts my feelings somewhere deep down inside (or superficially, clearly, and longingly), I want them to hurt too. I want them to feel pain and apologize for mine and do things which will comfort me and make me feel better and take away my pain. This is a very normal basic instinct. It is, though, not the best model for behavior, connecting with others, or having friendships last past our first conflict. Why are so many (often online) battles stuck in this space of reaction and attack? Why is it so hard to say “I’m feeling hurt”, and “I’m also feeling hurt” or “I’m afraid you’re mad at me or think I’m a horrible person for doing/saying something which hurt you” or “I’m sorry, what am I missing here”?

What makes us name call instead of question?

What inside us settles upon sarcasm and demeaning language instead of concern?

Two of the best pieces of advice I was ever told were:

  • Trust minorities. Believe them when they tell you things.
  • “Like”, support, and work to amplify the voices of minority people.

The reason these ideas are important is because people who have struggled know more about their struggles from personal and frequently institutional, educational, and communal sources. Someone who can tell you what it’s like to be X, probably also knows more about the subjects concerning X’s oppression than people who aren’t X. So if you care about X people, or even just want to know one X person better, or don’t want to piss X people off it’s a really good practice to listen to what X people say about Xness, and let them know you value their voices in your world.

This means a LOT of men, a lot of white people, a lot of straight people, a lot of cis people, a lot of nondisabled people, a lot of middle and upper class people, and a lot of institutionally well educated people need to learn to listen when someone who is not those things tells them that what they are saying hurts them. This is an opportunity for empathetic or sympathetic response rather than brutish debate strategy. There are always really legitimate reasons we have the blind spots we have in our language, in our logic patterns, in our communication attempts, and in our belief systems, but those blind spots being upheld as legitimate points of view isn’t the point if human connection is the ultimate goal… This means that the more privileged I am in a room, the more I listen and the less I talk. It means when I do talk, I try to speak through asking questions — legitimate questions, not leading ones trying to take back control of a personally uncomfortable narrative.

If you want to get in my pants I actually need to trust you care for the whole reality of the me that is actually living in these pants. Politics surrounding various identities are not truths applying to everyone’s life, but they’re great guidelines for understanding the struggles groups of people face. No one is their identities, but by connecting to and naming our identities, we have unique opportunities to find compassion for ourselves and others. Through exploring identity we are granted new horizons for considering intersectional realities which can help us not put our feet in our mouths frequently around people we want to figure out how to connect to and play with.

This is a lot, yet seemingly necessary, to simply state: play nice (even/especially if you need to be taught how to by the person you’re playing with because they’ve struggled institutionally and/or personally in ways you haven’t).

Play On My Friends,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Something New

Do I look different?

I am having a hard time writing this post because I feel vulnerable. I’m excited and I want to tell everyone all the things. It’s not really new, just… finally. A coming out. After coming out about a million things in this lifetime, I think it would get easier, but it doesn’t. I still have to take a deep breath and dare myself to jump… Every time I put words to my behaviors it’s after a long struggle and someone giving me permission. No one is ever surprised, but that moment of saying it outloud can’t be taken back. The first time is always the hardest.

I’ve started working as a professional Dominant. And I love it!

ProDoming is potentially the most empowering thing I have ever done. It helps me know who I am. I have a world of fun within my scenes, and it offers many of my skills to my clients. There’s more to it than the satisfaction of a job well done though, getting paid what I ask for my time and talents, to be who I am, and to use my body, mind, emotions, intuition, my communication skills, imagination, sex geekery, and passion for being in the moment, is everything. I also find it incredibly healing and confidence building to tell a client what I will and will not do and have the answer to my outline be a respectful, “Yes, Sir”.

I love performing, and it is what I have pursued my entire life, but I don’t get paid what I should for being an artist. Doming uses all of my performance skills and commands a respectful pay grade. Do I think I’ll be able to do this long? I don’t know. I’m still learning, even after 6 years immersed in the kink community, with a few years teaching kink classes, and 22 years in sexuality education under my belt. I love to please. I love making offerings whilst reading what my sub needs moment to moment and fitting that into my personal desires and design. So far that’s what Doming feels like to me, and it feels sustainable.

Who will I become? No one but who I am. I intend on continuing in this job to the extent that I can do it my way (I mean, why try doing things any other way at this point?). If I dress femme it will be because I feel like it that day — and I don’t feel femme most (if any) days. I will be me, handling my clients the ways I see fit, and presenting myself in the ways that make me feel confident. Not coerced, not reaching beyond my boundaries, not playing games to attract someone’s eye who isn’t a good match for what I have to offer. I intend on being simple, perverted, happy to connect, sadistic, playful, fluid, imaginative, dandy, me.

I always want to encourage the people around me, my students, my audience, my friends and lovers, to play. I think that’s what makes D/s, BDSM, and kink fun to being with. If you’re interested in working with me drop me a line. As one friend said, “I can’t wait to see how this influences your stage life”. I’m also excited to see where my solo show, NO SHAME, goes from here. There is more of it to develop, and I do think working in the domain of sexuality and sensuality is part of my story. Wish me well.

Play On My Friends,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

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