Help! I’m New To Kink!

Please check out my Truth or Dare blog and fill out your own game card! I love reading people’s entries, and look forward to playing with you…


Mx Kinky Karin,

I have a friend who is super new to kink and is curious about exploring and knowing what’s out there. Do you have a resource like a book or website that you would recommend? She is particularly interested in the aspect of kink dealing with sensuality and connection between partners.

~ A Friendly Connector, NM

Yesterday I got two messages pretty much like this one, and there have been a bunch more dotting my inbox recently. People who are new to kink in general, or have recently moved to a new town and are interested in finding other kinksters safely have been hitting me up for the DL. Here are some thoughts and advice I have on the subject:

Being Kinky is Patriotic! Freedom of speech, freedom over my body, and freedom to celebrate what us humanimals are capable of… Photo by Rudy Aguilar (cropped for anonymity by me)

Let’s talk general resources: First off I’ll offer that this very website you’re reading is a great place to rummage around on and gather a pretty varied cross section of what’s going on in the world of kink. I write about a number of different areas of the kink and fetish scenes from varied points of view. Amongst these articles you’ll find “how to” instructions, interviews and writings by kinky guest writers, information about protocols and interpersonal dynamics, and a number of referrals for books, websites, groups, and online teaching resources… and sometimes I even get poetic on the subject.

Moving outside of these blog walls, my favorite online teaching resource is the Kink Academy website. Seriously. They are a fabulous collective of teachers and bloggers and organizers and pro-kinksters from all over the country who make videos and write articles about how to safely learn many different kinky skills. I’ve met a number of these instructors at kinky conventions throughout the years, and even had the opportunity to play with some of them. Every time I’ve been around one of the instructors in this crowd I’ve been incredibly inspired and impressed with their level of professionalism, their care for students and safety, and their generous dispositions. These are people who greatly inspire my own kink geekery! If you do decide to hop on board and get a subscription to their website, please use the link I’ve provided and I’ll get a referral bonus. I wouldn’t be part of their referral program if I didn’t really love what they are doing and how they are doing it — and this site gets gold stars above and beyond simple lovely feelings.

If you’re looking for some good book resources, here are a selection of the articles I’ve written with book links. I am a book junkie and used to be the book buyer for a sexuality boutique, so while you’ll see me reference books in a bunch of my articles, these ones are loaded with suggestions:

Let’s talk being a newbie and/or looking for a community: I think Fetlife can be a great place to connect into. I think of it like a facebook for kinky people of all stripes. It can be overwhelming at first for someone who hasn’t been exposed to a lot, or isn’t used to graphic displays of sexuality and depictions of BDSM. The first time I created an account to check it out, I actually signed up, looked around, got overwhelmed, and deleted my account. The people at Fetlife were really sweet about it and let me know that when I was ready to come back, they’d be there for me. I really appreciated that open invitation, and it didn’t take me long to realize I was ready to take that step and start again. I use FetLife to find events I can connect with other kinksters through, and it’s also great for reading up on people’s ideas about protocols and behavior guidelines in various situations, there are thousands of groups you can snoop around on or join and learn through, and there are entire groups specifically aimed at newbies too — even newbies in your geographical area! One of the things Fetlife does pretty well is highlight what’s happening in local areas, so if you search your hometown it shouldn’t take you long to find a nearby “munch”, or a club night, movie night, or any other number of other gatherings. Many publicly announced gatherings which take place in a private residence or club will require membership or for you to be vetted, before you are given the address. This is to keep the hosting group and their community safe from unknown outsiders, and to keep you safe as a newbie looking for places to play. The vetting process ensures that responsible (seeming) people who understand and agree to the protocols of the event are welcomed in. The vetting process gives the host and the newbie an opportunity to check one another out in a safe environment. If you feel weird about someone vetting you, listen to that, and don’t go to the event. Beware events that invite just anyone to show up without a vetting process in place if they’re in a hotel, private residence, or other non-public space — especially if they openly advertise sex and BDSM activities. Munches are great vetting opportunities where you can meet people who (after you’ve gotten to know one another), might also vouch for you at an event where you’d like to be vetted into. Munches are meet-ups for kinky people to meet each other in a public space. Usually they happen regularly and are often at bars or family restaurants where people are dressed vanilla and no play is expected or tolerated. There may or may not be a private meet-up after some munches so that people who are getting along can talk more in depth or as a group in a more private location. Often people who take on the task of vetting interviews for their community or group will use munches as a safe and easy place to do interviews.

Learn, Practice, Meet Others, Have Experiences: Conventions are so fun! If you can find them in your area and afford the ticket price and hotel fees, I highly recommend going. Conventions are great to take classes at and meet others in your area and beyond who you share interests with, and they can provide a beautiful sense of community as well. Conventions can be a great opportunity to play, as they’ll sometimes have a dungeon space available or play parties planned. They also often host a vendor area, so if you’re looking to stock your toybag with quality kink toys, conventions are a great place to shop.

References are for more than job opportunities: Vetting new play pals is important, so have references and expect references! The longer you’re in “the scene” the more opportunities you’ll have to gain references. References can be gotten from people you’ve played with (or who have seen you play) who are willing to vouch for you as a responsible and healthy play partner. When you’re playing with someone new, ask them to provide you with the names of people you can contact as a reference, and then actually follow up! When you provide someone with a reference make sure that person has agreed to be one for you. It is unsettling to have a stranger inquiring about your personal experiences with another person if you aren’t expecting it, and as most of us in the Kink/BDSM scene highly respect one another’s privacy and safety, it puts an unsuspecting or unprepared reference in an awkward position. Having references who are agreeing to reference on your behalf also ensures you’ll get a good review — imagine sharing someone’s name without their permission or expectation and that person deciding to take the opportunity to talk about how irresponsible or awful you are. Even if someone has mentioned they’ll be a reference for you in the past, it’s polite to let them know you’ve used that offering recently and to potentially expect an inquiry. Even better, ask your reference if they prefer you to share their name and profile link with your potential new playmate, if they would rather be the one reaching out on your behalf, or if they would rather just submit a blurb about you for your use. I have references who prefer each of these methods in my back pocket and politely choose to defer to each individual’s preferences. Not everyone is comfortable being approached by a stranger or has the time to reach out and write to a stranger on my behalf.

In general I think the best way to learn, and have kinky doors open up for you is: do your research, be polite, and ask questions to the people you find who are involved in kinky community events. Watch and listen first, and then ask questions! As you do your research, you’ll notice most newbie questions have been answered a million times, and if you do just a little bit of reading on forum FAQs you won’t end up on the eye-rolling end of those famous “we already answered that question” referral links.

Friends! It’s great to find a few people you trust to explore this kinky new world with too. Have friends, have each other’s backs, and share information with one another as you find it. Always trust your gut and listen to any red flag that rears its head. Use the buddy system and make sure someone always knows where you’re going, with whom, and at what time you’re expected to check back with them when you’re meeting up or playing with someone(s) new. Meet new people in public before you go anywhere private, and leave emergency information and your playmate’s contact info with a friend. I’m not going to harp on the dangers of the world, but they’re real and you should be prepared to face negative possibilities. If you aren’t ready to advocate for yourself by talking to trusted friends about what you’re up to, you probably aren’t ready to play out your fantasies with a potentially dangerous strange person(s). Safety first! Speaking of safety, learn about safe words and use them. Learn about healthy negotiation practices, and be really clear with your play partners about what you expect out of a scene. Know what your playmate wants out of the scene too and only agree to what you’re comfortable with. You always have the right to stop a scene cold in its tracks if you need or want to, and any healthy playmate will respect your wishes on that. Communicate clearly what your non-negotiable boundaries are, and everyone playing should disclose what physical, health (including psychological and emotional), and sexual information is relevant to your play before entering into a scene. Having success in the BDSM world is like anything worth working for: be a good citizen, show up to open community gatherings and know your neighbors — you’re much more likely to have a friendly neighborhood and good experiences around town.

Be Safe, and Play On My Friends,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Kink Blog’s Resurrection Brought to You by the Asheville DMV


Hatching too many plans will make a fool of you…

Why hello Dear Readers,

*Note: Blog updated 11/21/16 to reflect the current “published” status of my Patreon Page!

It’s been almost a year since my last blog, and I’ve run a million miles since we last connected… I have been toying with the idea of resurrecting ABCs for a few months now, and all of a sudden I find myself with a couple free hours courtesy the DMV’s insane lines… This is the second time I’ve been turned away at the window to get my new driver’s license — third time’s the charm, right? Oy.

Here’s the quick version of where I’ve been since October: I was on tour across the USA for 9 months with my at-the-time partner performing puppet shows as a full-time job. It was pretty amazing to have that job, great to see new cities, wonderful adventures were had, and I even managed to get out a few times to kink events in various cities we passed though. Play on the road didn’t happen enough for me to stay completely satisfied, but it was greatly educational when it did happen. Post tour I moved to Asheville, NC to be with my partner, but our relationship was not to last, and I found myself alone in this new city trying to figure out what my plan B for the next couple years should look like as I mourned the disintegration of my plan A… …And here I am: moved to a new place after an intense ride a very long way from what I’ve called home for the past 18 years. I am still figuring out what I want, where to go, who I am now, and taking stock of, well, absolutely everything.

Reflecting on all I’ve been through in the past year I realize there’s a lot for me to write about and the list keeps growing, subjects like:

  • Breaking the Ice in a New Kinky Community
  • Kink on the Road: playing with strangers and increasing your chances at being invited over
  • Negotiation Tactics and the Importance of Learning From Mistakes
  • Kinky People and Leather People: What’s the distinction?
  • C is for CIGAR PLAY
  • B is for BLOOD PLAY
  • B is also for BOOTBLACKING
  • Sexy Kinky Camping Weekends!
  • What if You’re More Kinky than Your Partner?
  • Sex and Kink or *No Sex* and Kink?
  • The Immense Importance of Autonomy
  • Mono/Poly Relationship Dynamics
  • The Finances of a Sex Writer…

Not a bad start huh?

That last subject, “The Finances of a Sex Writer”, is one I’d like to elaborate on briefly now as naturally it’s something I’ve been thinking about for some time. To make ends meet I currently work full-time in a cafe which is exhausting physically, mentally, emotionally, and takes a lot of extroverted energy. Carving out space in this new life and the new place I’ve landed takes time end energy to build up. With a full schedule I find it difficult to meet kinksters and performance artists or even make it out to events that fall outside my evening and weekend work hours. I am starting this blog up again, and my current goal is to publish at least once a week. I want to ramp back up into actualizing the performance art that happens in my head, and I want to tour the country and abroad performing my work, teaching, and continuing to research kink and the kinky communities I come upon. I want to scene, demo bottom, burlesque, drag, clown, puppet, write, direct, teach, learn, and build what is most meaningful to me as a thinker and as an artist, and create what I feel my audiences get the most from…

I need income coming from a source other than my day job for my goal to manifest fully. I need the time and the space (mental and physical) to create. I need to be paid for my time and the effort that I take to research, negotiate, experience, process, reflect on, and put my point of view forth in both written words and performance creations.

There are already a couple ways you can support me for my work on this website and I [Update: Have just published]am in the process of adding a Patreon project to the current list. Please consider whether the ABCs Of Kink blog has meant anything to you or someone you care about, and if you find the answer to be yes, please financially support me so that I can continue to build the sex-positive, kinky, queer, loving, open-minded, constantly learning and teaching artistic vision of the world I struggle to make. These are ways you can support me, and thank you for your consideration:

  • Donation Link: At the top right of this and most pages on this website is a “SUPPORT THE ARTIST” button. Please click on it for one time gifts or recurring payments to be processed. As little as a few dollars, or $10, $20, $50+… a month is extremely appreciated and helpful. Thank you!
  • Kink Academy: If you like the website, please consider getting a membership (short term or ongoing) using *THIS LINK* to access the membership page, and I will receive a percentage of your sale. This website is a resource I personally love and value and I’m happy to be associated with them through their referral program. Thank you!
  • My Patreon Page: This campaign [Update: is awesome and live and please check it out]is still being created and I’ll update the link when I go live… Please check back!
  • Other Ways to Support Me: If you don’t have money to spare or you want to help me make what I make in other ways, please be in conversation with me. Drop me a line, check out the CONTACT PAGE on this site and write to me. Hearing from you is a great way to keep my spirit and energy afloat as I work. I do this for me, but I also do it for you.

I look forward to bringing you content that will be exciting, interesting, educational, and a great push off for conversation. I look forward to hearing from some of you. I look forward to suggestions about what I should write about… Thank you for reading my words.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Y is for YOU

A perfect weekday afternoon!

A perfect weekday afternoon!

We’re close to our final entry in this round of the alphabet, and so I thought it important to send along some resources that should help you think about YOU!  It’s great to know you want something kinky to happen between you and your partners, but it’s even better to know exactly what you want those things to be before playing.  This helps a lot when it comes time to negotiate with your partners about play, and it’s also an interesting way to keep an eye on how you yourself are evolving over time in the realm of kinky experiences…

The CEPE checklist:  The CEPE checklist is an excellent way to gather your thoughts about kink. It is a 200 question BDSM checklist that asks you to rate your interest in various activities.  It is often used by D-types who are trying to get to know their s-types better.  After this paperwork has been completed, a quick glance at it can tell the person who is looking what types of activities you are into, not into, have as hard limits, as well as what activities you are experienced in, are a novice at, or have never tried out, and which activities you may prefer to top, bottom, or switch for.  It takes a little bit of time to finish, but I think it is well worth the effort for people who are interested in having a clear place to start negotiations from.

I recommend all you interested-in-kink types look this checklist over and have a go at putting down on paper what works.  I think it’s an incredibly good exercise not just for the outcome of clear talking points, but it’s an interesting way to meditate on kink – on what excites you, what does not, and what you might be curious about.  The first time I did it I had the experience of realizing that a few of the options on the card I had never really considered before, so it became an inspirational tool to my dirty mind too.

[Update July 2019: I have developed my own BDSM Checklist, here’s a link to download mine if you’d like to use it]

The final moment of my "Pink" performance at "Glitterotica". Photo by

The final moment of my “Pink” performance at “Glitterotica”. Photo by

Games you can play:  If you have a partner, here’s one of my favorite games to play…  I call it “Red, Yellow, Green”, and I learned it from Carol Queen (one of my favorite people in the sexuality industry) a number of years ago when she was leading a workshop at the sexuality boutique I worked at.  It goes like this:

  • With your partner(s), make a list of all of the sexual/kinky/fantasy things you can think of.  Don’t be shy, say them all – from the most vanilla to the most radical!
  • Take a look of this list and each of you rate the activities Red, Yellow, or Green (it’s perfectly ok if you have different ratings than one another).  Red indicates a “hard limit”, meaning something you don’t have any interest in doing at all.  Yellow indicates a “soft limit”, or something you are curious about but have never tried before and are a little nervous about, something you’re willing to try but not that interested in, or something you will do or have done but don’t really get turned on by the idea of.  Green is for go, the activities you are excited about, that turn you on, or that you’d actively like to try out.
  • Now for the fun part!!!  It is time for you and your partner(s) to start playing.  Yes, I mean getting turned on.  Play with one another until you can feel the juices flowing and the sexy filling your veins…  Now pause and take a look at the list again.  Go through and re-rate everything.  Has anything changed?  Did some yellows turn green?  Are some of your reds not quite so red anymore?  You don’t have to talk about it yet because…
  • Start back in on the sexiness!  This time work up a good sweat and stop just before you want to come/finish/explode/hit the subspace/domspace/roof/whathaveyou…  Take a look at those ratings again and update anything that needs to be updated.  Don’t worry about processing any of it yet though, because…
  • Back to the sexy!  This time ravage through the end.  Just after falling into a heaping pile of post-whatever mush, look at that list and re-rate the things.
  • Now to talk about it with one another…  I hope you had a really enjoyable time.

I like this exercise a lot because it gives one an indication of how being turned on might change their feelings about a  scene or an activity.  I think this is really important information to have when negotiating.  There is a general consensus in kinky play that you never re-negotiate a scene or boundaries mid-play.  The reason for this is that being turned on will mess with your brains and your conscious understanding of what is and is not good for you.  To avoid a negative lash-back post play, it’s important to know what kinds of things look good to you when you’re not completely sexually sober.  Think about them; decide whether the activities that became more acceptable to you are actually things you are interested in exploring or not.  This list will probably also help you figure out what will never be a turn on…

Nipple Clamps for HomeworkMy experiences meditating on me:  I have been described by a former lover as a “connection whore”.  I’m pretty sure he was on to something, and I’ve enjoyed the phrase since hearing it.  This means that when I’m connecting with someone I am much more open to them and their desires than I am when our connection is thin or nonexistent.  I think this is true to a degree for most people, though I seem to take it farther and faster than many.  My ability to say no, and my desire to say yes to the person I am connecting with can be a HUGE block to my rational brain – think stereotypical brainless dude aware only of his hard on and willing to do pretty much anything to get his dick wet…  that’s kinda me in those moments.  Because of this one of the things I let people know upfront when I’m negotiating a scene with them, is that if I’m feeling really connected to them during the scene, and I am really turned on, I will probably say yes to anything they ask.  This is not to say that I won’t stand behind my actions, but to let my partner know that if they want to change any of the rules we’ve pre-negotiated or try something we haven’t talked about, that I may in fact say yes to something I’ll regret saying yes to.  So, I ask my partners to please respect the boundaries that we establish before getting all worked up.  This is another reason I always make sure to negotiate sexual boundaries before entering into a kink scene too.  I generally don’t mix my kink and sex, and that’s a can of worms I don’t want to deal with the fallout of if someone were to be as turned on as I, and wonder if we could enter that arena during play.  This is one of the major ways I respect myself, and teach my partners a little bit about what to expect.

When I filled out the CEPE checklist for the first time, I realized that there were things on there I had never considered kink activities.  It was awesome!  It made me think about the possibilities beyond my current fantasies.  I LOVE learning new things (definitely a fetish of mine), so even just filling out that worksheet was a huge turn on.

I am currently developing a game for people interested in kink, BDSM, adventurous sex, and expanding their sensual horizons with partners…  hopefully next time I post a “Y is for YOU” entry, I’ll be able to share it with you.

Dinner anyone? An example of my homework for the evening...

Dinner anyone? An example of my homework for the evening…

For further education, ideas, and kinky eye openers:

  • the Kink Academy – a wonderful resource for videos, a wealth of informational blog writings, and just a great place to be.  If you do check out this site and decide you’d like to sign up for a membership, please link to the site through one of my links.  I am an affiliate, so if you link to them through me when you make your purchase, I’ll receive a commission off your membership as a thank you for introducing you to the site.  It’s a great way to support this site.
  • Fetlife – go to munches to meet the kinky people nearby, learn about various subjects by reading people’s ideas in groups, and find out what’s happening in your area
  • NELA – They host the Fetish Flea convention and have their hands in a lot of the kinky goings on in New England.  There should be associations like this one in many regions, if you’re not from around here, look around for yours.

I encourage you to make it personal today.  Your interests, boundaries, and pleasure matter every bit as much as your partner’s regardless of your level of experience, gender, age, role in the activity, or anything else.  In the end only you can know yourself well enough to advocate and negotiate in ways that make you happiest.  Have fun, and have fun figuring it all out!

To Breath and Being,

~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Age Verification: addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!