The People I Meet: Balin (continued #2)

Recently while talking with a friend of mine who follows this blog they mentioned that they kept thinking about an entry I’d posted a while back where a writer I’d randomly met contributed a couple stories about their virginity: The People I Meet: Balin.  I too was tickled by this author’s offer to share his words with my audience.

Well, it turns out that the next time I logged into my ABCs Of Kink email account Balin had struck again, offering another story for my Wednesday audience to read, along with the words:

Dear Karin,
It’s a beautiful and daring blog. Raw and startling to me. To have actually met you. And this person I have met is actually doing and sharing these things. That’s you! This person I met!
Balin is such a repressed coward!!!
Oh, wait…  that’s me…

…So far being part of your blog (even anonymously) is…  well…  feels so unlike me…  is exciting…  I do feel honored…  also out of place…  like the stranger you mentioned…  also it’s kind of scary…  hopeful too…  messes up my brain…  and….  so, thanks!!

You’re welcome, Balin!  I’m pleased to have you on board.

Today I bring new musings by my mystery author friend.  This time in reaction to my recent post D is for DEATH PLAY.  I hope you enjoy!


Death Play

by Balin the Virgin

"UnAmerika's Sweetheart knocks a dildo into place"... Photo by Martin Fisch

“UnAmerika’s Sweetheart knocks a dildo into place”… Photo by Martin Fisch

Poor Balin is tight as a rubber band ball. Moria crushes him. Moria twists him. He is a stranger. Where are you UnAmerika’s Sweetheart Karin Webb? Open. Brave. Daring. But OMG . . . those welts on your gorgeous butt and needles in your beautiful nipple look freakin’ terrifying. Ouch @@@ Is that the kind of rescue I am dreaming of ???

I mean, Balin is dreaming of . . .

Her hair is blue. Her eyes are blue. He imagines her totally naked except for the blue boots the girl at the next table is wearing – and elf ears. She comes with a bow, shooting arrows with dildos on one end and feather ticklers on the other.

Fucking someone pretending to be a corpse!?

There is no shortage of corpses in Moria. Orc, goblin, troll, dwarf. Sexy. One might even find a Balrog down there somewhere. Sadly no dead hobbit booty. Though Frodo did almost bite the dust in the burial chamber. Curse you, Mithril!!!

If I wasn’t desperately afraid in addition to being virginal, I would “enjoy” death play. Some day I’ll be a corpse too. There will be my personal “Death of a Virgin”. What if someone engages in actual necrophilia upon my body? Is that how I will lose it?

Breathtakingly lovely, UnAmerika’s Sweetheart knocks a dildo into place, draws her bow, and vows to protect Balin’s virginity from the predations of a true necrophiliac – by slaying it herself first – so he dreams . . .


If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Please write me to share your own thoughts and stories about kink by either filling out the comment form below or emailing me directly at:

Survey Questions Answered #1

Bettie Page. Author Irving Klaw

Bettie Page. Author Irving Klaw

A few weeks ago I posted a bunch of survey questions, check out the entry and write me with your own answers to any of them in the form below.  Following is one reader’s thoughts and experiences on the subject.

What’s your story?  Which of the questions are interesting ones to muse on for you?  What would you share from your thoughts, experiences, or POV on kink?  Does what’s written below strike a chord for you?  Are your experiences similar or wildly different?

A huge thanks to this week’s interviewee.  Contact me and add your voice to the discussion, I look forward to hearing from more of you.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin


1. If you’re kinky, at what point did you come out to yourself as such and why?

I first came out in 2008 when I moved to Boston for college. My friend in college tipped me off to the Website Fetlife to connect with others of similar interest. At the time, the kink scene in Boston was under a dramatic expansion with the BTNG group, so it was really easy to meet new people and get your name out there.

2. What was your first exposure to kink?

It was age 8, I had gotten into my mothers book collections and found an erotic novel. The novel had a picture of a girls legs tied up with stocking on the front cover. I remember being very curious of the action imposed and my mother immediately snatching the book from my hand snarling “That’s for adults, go away”.

Being the rebellious person I was, I didn’t take that lying down. Over the next few years, I would invite girls over from my middle school and high school for bondage fun. It wasn’t sexual at that point, but I was aware that I liked tying up girls, pulling their hair and watching them struggle around.

High school is when all the pieces fit together, and when I knew I had something for control while getting turned on watching WWE women wrestling.

3. Can you define what kink is to you?

Kink is expression, passion and desire. It’s about security and feeling a much deeper connection to others. It’s about the fantasies I think about in the night coming to reality, and finding those who want to make those fantasies come true. It’s about community, connection, and knowing you are not alone in your wild thoughts.


If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Introducing: Kristen Stubbs, Ph.D. and The Toymaker Project

Ok, first off I just have to say that getting to know Kristen Stubbs is a pretty awesome thing.  She’s a Ph.D. in Robotics, writes about her exploits in technology/sexuality, is a toy maker, runs a local-to-Boston toymaker’s meet-up group, and is all around just pretty rad.  And, not going to lie, I LOVE the fact that she’s not a cis-gender male rocking all of these things in the world (much love to those wonderful creatures as well, but variety is really nice).  Her POV on a lot of what she writes encompasses experiences I’ve also has as a Sex Geek of the non-male persuasion.  To her, to more women in the Sex Geekplace, and to keeping adult delight alive!

Ponygasm is a comic by Kaylie McDougal, that Kristen Stubbs loves

Ponygasm is a comic by Kaylie McDougal, that Kristen Stubbs loves

This Wednesday I am introducing Kristen by sending you all along to her blogspot: The Toymaker Project.  Like this blog she jumps from idea to idea as she sees fit, and her voice is a refreshing one to read.  Below I’ve posted (with her permission, some updates, and a spanking new intro), her blog post from June of this year: In Defense of Ponygasm.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin


In Defense Of PonyGasm

Hi! I’m Kristen, a roboticist and maker who’s also a sex-positive activist and entrepreneur, and I’m thrilled to have a piece of my writing featured on ABCsOfKink. Below you’ll find the story of how I discovered PonyGasm, an erotic comic which began as a crowdfunding project mocked on Tumblr and then taken down by IndieGoGo. Thanks to Karin for giving me this opportunity for promoting sex-positivity and having a sense of humor about sex. 🙂

I’m happy to report that the comic’s author, Kaylie McDougal, told me that after all of the initial PonyGasm-bashing she was thinking of giving up writing erotic comics — but after seeing this review she plans to stick with it! I’m definitely looking forward to her next piece.

Downloading a project that supposedly sucked: $5.
Fisting1 yourself for the first time: Priceless.

Since I’m launching my own sex/kink-positive crowdfunding site Passionate Produce, I’ve been doing research on other crowdfunding sites and trying to understand what works and what doesn’t.  I thought a Google search on “kickstarter sucks” would be one way to gauge what people don’t like about Kickstarter, which led me to

I’ll agree that a lot of the projects they feature do pretty much suck — they’re poorly planned, or they’re poorly described, or they appear to be scams. That said, a listing for a project called PonyGasm caught my attention.

Ponygasm: An Erotic Comic by Kaylie McDougal

From the artist: “PonyGasm is a trippy, tongue-in-cheek, sex-positive, lady-friendly erotic comic that’s based on a weird dream i had involving giant, anthropomorphic toy pony lovin’ in a public restroom. strange i know, but trust me, it’s good porn!”

Reactions from tumblr readers were mixed (some finding it hilarious, some hoping she would be reported for violating IndieGoGo’s Terms of Service.)

I couldn’t look at the original IndieGoGo page because the link was broken (unsurprisingly, it had been taken down for a Terms of Service violation). I was able to find artist Kaylie McDougal’s deviantArt page and was excited to see the high quality of the art on the sample comic pages she posted. That convinced me to go ahead and buy the story.

The resulting experience? Suffice it to say that while reading PonyGasm, I inserted all five fingers of one hand inside my vagina for the first time. If that’s not a glowing review, I don’t know what is.

Why PonyGasm Is Hot

  • The comic is unabashedly sex-positive. The protagonist has a fun, consensual encounter with a giant vinyl toy pony.
  • The protagonist’s body is realistic. She’s not just a stick with boobs. She has broad hips and fat on her body in the same ways that actual people do.
  • It’s funny! (In case you missed the “giant vinyl toy pony” part.) This comic has a sense of humor, and the artist doesn’t take sex too seriously.
  • There is well-drawn, hot sex.2

PonyGasm reminds me of Phil Foglio’s XXXenophile, which is my all-time favorite erotic comic/graphic novel. Like in XXXenophile, we have a story of happy individuals having fun together, which is just awesome.

How did PonyGasm end up on yourkickstartersucks?

While I think it’s a kind of sad that someone decided to pick on PonyGasm, I’m not surprised.   I can’t comment on how well the original PonyGasm fundraising campaign was designed because the page was taken down–but my guess is that it wasn’t up on yourkickstartersucks because of poor project design.  PonyGasm pushes against a number of cultural norms:

  • PonyGasm is funny, and it doesn’t take sex (or itself) too seriously.
  • PonyGasm is explicitly “lady-friendly,” which is not how I would describe a lot of mainstream porn.
  • PonyGasm involves a horse.  (For those of us who believe good experiences start with enthusiastic consent from everyone involved, a cartoon toy pony who can clearly articulate his preferences is not particularly problematic.)

If you tell me, “I’m not really into absurdist erotic comics” or even “Vinyl toy pony sex squicks me out,” I respect that.  Everyone has different tastes when it comes to pleasure.3

I’d say the folks who dismissed this project out-of-hand missed out on a really fun piece of erotica. IndieGoGo certainly missed out.  PonyGasm reminds me of why it’s so important for my own crowdfunding startup, Passionate Produce, to succeed.  If Ms. McDougal would ever like to crowdfund a new erotic comic, I’d be honored to feature her work on Passionate Produce.

In the meantime, go buy your own copy of PonyGasm! I can’t make any guarantees about how many fingers you will be able to insert into your own orifice(s) as a result of reading this comic–but if you enjoy PonyGasm even half as much as I did, you’re in for a treat.

Update, 6/26/13 10:34pm: Broken links to the etsy store fixed. My bad!

End Notes

  1. Wikipedia has a pretty decent description if you’re not familiar with the term “fisting.”  There’s actually some debate as to how far inside the fingers/hand have to be inserted in order for something to “count” as fisting, which I don’t particularly care to go into here.
  2. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to say that almost anything even vaguely related to sex turns me on.  (I have a few definite turn-offs, and then there are some things that are “meh.”)  Some of the things that have aroused me include:
    • Watching animals mate in nature documentaries.
    • Riding on bumpy roads during family vacations (which is awkward).
    • Watching BDSM porn before I knew BDSM could be consensual (which freaked me out, and turned me on, and then freaked me out because I was getting turned on).
    • Low-quality pornography (because in the end, all my brain cares about is OMG THERE ARE PEOPLE FUCKING).

    Sometimes this is frustrating or confusing — but then there are days like this one where it means I get to discover something Really Cool. 

  3. Within BDSM online communities, this is sometimes phrased as YKINMK, “Your Kink Is Not My Kink”. 


If you enjoyed this review, go check out more of Kristen’s true sex stories and other endeavors at The Toymaker Project. You can also find her and her startup,, on Twitter as @vortacist and @PassionProduce, respectively. If you’re in the greater Boston area, She leads a meetup group for sex/kink-positive makers called teasecraft, and would love to see you there.  Thanks for reading!

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

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