X is for X-Rated

The XXX-rating means hard-core, the XX-rating is for simulation, and an X-rating is for comparatively cool films.

~ William Rotsler

These are words from a slightly different era, but even today the idea that any amount of Xs mark a piece of art might titillate one to no end.  Today we discuss the letter X as it applies to, arguably, the most mainstream kink of them all: X-Rated creations.

Why porn?  Why erotic art?  Why X?  Well, aside from the bad rap it often gets, pornography and erotic art can point you toward a diversity of action and meaning that one can rarely get to understanding or even being exposed to when simply reading a textbook or even experimenting sometimes.  Our sexual selves are emotional, psychological, physical, intellectual, and holistic when we let them be.  The ideas, practices, images, and demonstrations contained in the right pornography or erotic art might just be the gateway to a new understanding of pleasure and connection to your own sexual self that you’ve been desiring.  Just remember that you can have connections with your own body and with other people; not with images or moving pictures.  We all have to work on translating our fantasies about relationship desires and sexual prowess into real life communication with our partners and playmates…  So have fantasies, talk about them, negotiate respectfully, be inspired, find safety, and play.

What is this X rating all about anyhow?  Here’s a little US history on the subject – take note that other countries have their own rating systems (or not) which define adult content differently.

Once upon a time (the late 50’s through 1990) an X rating assigned by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to a film meant that the film was officially “unrated” due to containing adult content not suitable for children or minors (this included sexual as well as violent material).  The “X” was a non-trademarked rating, so unlike the trademarked ratings of G, PG, PG-13, and R anyone could assign an X rating to their film if they knew prior to its release that it would contain content which would render the film unsuitable for an official rating.  Directors, distribution companies, etc could mark a box X without it being judged by the MPAA.  Some mainstream films during these years were rated X upon their release including “Clockwork Orange”, “Midnight Cowboy”, and “The Evil Dead” to name a few – all of which have been re-rated since.  Because of the accessibility of the non-trademarked X rating during this time pornographers began rating their films as such as well.  Eventually it became more and more popular to rate your pornographic film with an X, XX, or XXX (playing on the idea that the more Xs a film was given, the more graphic the material within).  The porn industry in the 70s and 80s grew increasingly popular and publicly visible, and the X rating became semi-synonymous with pornographic content which led to many cinemas banning X rated films from their theaters regardless of the reason for the X rating.  In 1990 the MPAA agreed to trademark a new rating, NC-17, which has allowed movies with adult content (sexual and violent) to be officially distinguished (by the MPAA) from the oft-pornographic and still non-trademarked X.  So, there you have it.

The tour at the San Francisco Armory is awesome. It is also a tour of Kink.com's studios... Delicious.

The tour of the San Francisco Armory is awesome. It is also a tour of Kink.com‘s studios… Delicious.  This pic was taken in the luxurious play space on their top floor.

My experiences with porn, erotica, and other adult-type works:  (FWIW, I write this section as I sext with a partner, yum!)…  I’m a little funny when it comes to the the X-rated department.  I don’t know why it is, but as much of a sex geek as I am, I prefer to engage by interacting with politics, practices, and education about sexy times more than with the aesthetic, storying, and imaging of it.  Maybe as I get older this will evolve, or maybe as I get older I’ll just become increasingly aware of the vast and fascinating diversity of what out there embodies these ideas in an appealing-to-me way.  I have a general distaste for obvious and overused presentations of sex, gender, and sexual identity in our culture, and I find many of these images and ideas to be pervasively stultifying.  Almost a thrust of the sword at creativity and the true nature of what sex is: creation/creativity/pleasure/the making of something new.  I find it absurd and terrifying that people are discouraged from talking about bodies using real biological terms with children, and that our national discourse on sexuality is so repressed and bastardized that it turns any mention of perfectly normal and necessary bodily functions (sex, masturbation, fantasizing, reproductive and sexual health protection, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, breastfeeding, using the toilet) into babied code, neglected mention in “mixed” company (whatever that means), or fear filled retraction.

I have sold a lot of porn and helped people find and rent the pornographic films that might make them and their partners most happy.  I have written and performed erotic art on stage – written word, striptease, and erotic (sometimes grotesque) performance art.  I have watched locally made amateur porn (and loved some of it), hosted parties where porn was watched and discussed by a group of people, watched porn of various types with partners and as a solo activity.  I’ve masturbated to pornography I’ve hated, watched and re-watched the money shot over and over until I was ready to come, fantasized about being a part of the scenes I was watching, read erotica (great and terrible), discovered gay porn I loved, lesbian, bi, queer, and trans porn I got off on, various bits of mainstream porn even has found a time and place, and regardless at best I find some good actors which make it all tolerable.  I’ve watched hardcore, kinky, violent, boring, fascinating, imaginative, and hilarious porn…  My experience is the experience of many: watching other people get it on (even in a staged way) is fascinating and sometimes just what the spank bank or imaginarium needs.  Porn has not ruined my sex life…  nor would I say has it drastically heightened it.  Porn, for me, exists.  Some of it I find a turn on, some of it I do not, some of it I find a downright turn off and to be offensive.  But I feel all these ways looking at any type of art or craft over time.

One of the best experiences I’ve had interacting on a visual level with adult material was at the Miami Sex Museum!  Seeing first hand the actual art inspired by erotic feelings from, well, pretty much the beginning of art through pretty much all cultures and ages was not just a fascinating circus act to view but it made me understand how sex is intimately connected to the human race on a level I rarely feel.  We are all here, generation after generation, country by country, puberty until death, sexual creatures who will feel urges, satisfy them in a diversity of ways, and pursue satisfaction in forms that work best for each of us.  Like the experience of being on a nude beach and seeing all the different body shapes and types and differences, you start to feel as though having a body is what is most beautiful, not what it looks like or making sure you do with it what someone once told you was supposed to be pleasing.  Having that body allows you to listen deeply.  We all drum to our own drummer, and sometimes you get to play with people who you can make really exciting music with.

Not everything is for everyone (far from it), but when you find what will do the trick, X really can mark the spot.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!


Wartenberg WheelThe Wartenberg Wheel was created to test nerve sensitivity in patients who might have brain damage.  If your toes curled in one direction or another or not at all as the spikey little pinwheel rolled across the bottom of your foot, the examinier could discern what might be going on with your body.  It didn’t take very long at all for tailors, hedonists, sadists, and sensualists of various persuasions to arm themselves with this very same tool.

Will a Wartenberg Wheel draw blood?  Yes.  Those spikes are real and really sharp, so be careful.  Used while applying enough pressure, the little dots resulting on the flesh will fill with blood, and your partner will struggle just a tad (or more) more than they did before.  The wheel is made from metal though, and can be cleaned and sanitized using various methods including boiling – try the dishwasher, though be careful or wear a few thimbles when reaching into your silverware rack.

Artistic Flair:  The Wartenberg Wheel is a great tool to add to the bag of someone who enjoys scratch marks, knife play, rope, and other temporary marking devices.  Remember that skin that’s been bound tightly is going to mark more readily and be more sensitive than skin that is loose from any tension.  Find out which parts mark most easily, and which refuse to leave a spot.  Play with your little ant trails and turn your bottom into a masterpiece of Pointalistic design…

Wartenberg Marks ThighBe thoughtful:  This little instrument might seem like a no brainer, but think and be careful before using it.  Talk to your partner about areas of their body they would NOT like you to drag it across.  Think about the anatomy of nerve endings and where they surface the most or are clustered, are parts of the body more ticklish or tough, what does the pace do to sensation, what types of reactions are you looking for in your partner when you drag it out?…  Play with the tool slowly and carefully at first and then start to branch out and experiment.  You might find out that playing the scientist and watching your partner’s parts respond is endlessly fascinating as your patient begs you to (without safe-wording) “please please please stop/slow down/ahhhhhhrrrgg!”.

The little manual toy that really packs a favorite punch:  I LOVE my Wartenberg Wheel, as have various partners of mine (some maybe a little too much).  Those little teeth can tickle, unnerve, hurt, make me scream or shift uncomfortably in my seat, and they’ll scratch that itch perfectly every time!  What a wonderful gadget, and it is incredibly easy to use…  My favorite (or least favorite depending on how you look at it) experience with the wheel was when a partner of mine used it on my knees.  I have the overly sensitive kneecaps of a dancer and even managed to shatter one of them a number of years ago.  If there is an awful shimmery nerve rich part of my body that I’d like to have sharp objects stay away from, my right knee is at the top of the list…  So, of course, this is the favorite part of my body for the little wheel to explore when wielded by my sadistic partner.  Excruciating.  Yet, I live on…  A partner of mine also becomes a little kid when playing with this object, which I find fun, curious, and divine.  I can watch this partner trace up and down my body, make pictures in my skin, watch me react and writhe, with this beautifully attentive smile that is so innocent and sweet it makes me enjoy the journey all the more.  Like running a toy car all over my body, this meditation in rolling a thing over my curves and exploring all the surfaces to be found is a night of youthful smiles, and explorative awe.  I feel chosen in these moments; blessed to offer my body for the lesson.

Keep in mind:  That the Wartenberg Wheel will poke holes in everything.  You might want to consider keeping it in a hard case rather than wrapped in cloth, paper, or something else that will be shredded and poked through in time.  Also consider what you pack it with – your glass toys will be just fine next to the little metal devil, but your nice silicone doesn’t stand a chance, and keep it as far away from condoms/diaphragms/dams/gloves/lube pillows and other contraceptive supplies as you possibly can.

So, here’s to tiny little pokey things that make us both giggle and squeal; I hope you have fun playing with the simple and delightful Wartenberg Wheel!

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Sorry to Make You Wait…

I am pretty sick this week.  The tour I am on just ended, but we still have another week of driving and dropping off various bits of equipment and vehicles before finding rest back at home.  In the name of pacing myself, I’ve decided to leave you high and dry this Friday, and I am very sorry about that, however my lungs and woozy brain are thanking me.

I will leave you wonderous things to read on Monday, and we’ll be back for “W is for…” next Friday.

In the meantime, here’s a photo I hope you like as much as I do:

I'm missing my masculine me today, so: This is me (or rather "Casey Shoots" circa 2005 in a photoshoot for my drag troupe. Photo by Lara Wolfson

I’m missing my masculine me today, so:  This is me (or rather  my character “Casey Shoots”) circa 2005 from a photo shoot for my drag troupe. Photo by Lara Woolfson

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Age Verification: www.ABCsOfKink.com addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to www.scarleteen.com — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!