Don’t be like Sally, Don’t be a SWERF

I am not a trust fund kid.

I didn’t have an allowance for most of my childhood. At some point I was regularly given a small amount of lunch money. It was to be used when I was hungry for food. This “allowance” was not tied to whether or not I did my chores. My social freedom was tied to whether or not I did my chores.

As I got older I started to need more money to keep up with my friends. My parents didn’t have extra income, so like most kids in low income families I was told it was time to get a job.

I am still a very low income earner, making much less than the poverty line year after year. In some ways these days, I choose to because I would rather spend my time, energy, mental, and bodily resources on being an artist instead of giving up those things up in order to have more money. Artists who aren’t commercial in their approach to art don’t usually benefit much financially. I have too much to say about sex, gender, identity, inequality, and other non-commercial realities to fit in there. Struggle is a part of my journey.

You could say I was “forced into the fast food industry” as a teenager, and then retail, and then hospitality due to poverty. I didn’t have parents with connections to well paying summer jobs, I had no uncle who I could work in “the office” for and make connections through, I had no friends whose family owned a theater I could direct or run a youth program at… If I wanted to socialize with my friends I needed to make money however I could, and after hitting the pavement with my short resume, Dairy Queen was the first realistic option I had. They were willing to work with my summer theater schedule as long as I covered my shifts if there were conflicts (though later they fired me for getting too many of my shifts covered). That was my first job. Later in life I would need money for rent and utilities and whatever I needed money for — this is our capitalist reality.

I have a specialized degree in acting, as well as continued education in my field. My career is in the arts, and I’ve also been a sexuality educator for nearly 20 years, which started as a retail job in a sex store during college. I owe lots and lots of money to college lenders, and I’m not in a financial position to pay them back. I work hard, I work with passion, and I work a lot. I’m good at what I do and I’ve fought my entire adult life to carve out enough gig-based self-employment to keep me afloat. Naturally (I am an actor, after all) some forms of sex work have made their way into my gig economy. The ways I’ve taken on sex work in my life have been mostly affirming, definitely educational, and they’ve aided me in having the time and space I need to continue doing the work I’m passionate about while supporting myself. Most recently sex work in tandem with producing my art has helped me move from living on the road in a van, to living in an apartment with more space and definitely more expenses.

Being forced into sex work because of poverty is not consent. It’s economic coercion! If women really choose prostitution, why is it mostly marginalized and disadvantaged women who do? ~Unknown SWERF

I came across this quote recently. SWERFs (Sex Work Exclusionary Radical Feminists) are a subset of people within “feminism” who believe sex workers are anti-feminist. Personally I think SWERFs and TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) are anti-feminist. The notion that a woman (or anyone) should not have a right to autonomously choose with whom, how, and under what conditions to have sex or perform sexuality is ludacris if you call yourself a feminist.

Sex work is one of the only types of work held to this standard. Where in our national conversation about almost every minimum wage job do we ask these same questions? Who’s going around asking if the workers in factories, fast food establishments, farmers, dive restaurant wait staff, or any other backbreaking, demoralizing, or dirty job clientele needs to be freed from their undesirable situation? Instead the pacifying ideology, “A job is a job, you do what you need to do to pay the bills” is what echos when discussing the shitty parts of being the working poor — a growing class in today’s economy. It seems as though only when speaking of sex work does the conversational tone radically shift and the party line become, “Why would you resort to such a thing?!”

Let me be clear: after making money in the sex industry I am much less exhausted physically and morally than I ever was waiting tables.

Sexual autonomy is freedom. For the pyramid scheme which is capitalism to work it can’t have women, transpeople, people of color, and other marginalized plebeians “making their’s”, and thereby wriggling out from under the thumb of poverty and economic slavery. You’d never be able to control the masses if it caught on that sex work is work and some people (often marginalized and disadvantaged people) actually choose it as their industry. Add to this political circus-of-oppression a kickline of “feminists” singing a song of victimization and then letting loose the battle cry of “no cis woman ever wanted to grow up to be a sex worker!”, and there seem to be even less women standing up for women’s sexual autonomy and freedom from capitalist chains. Sex workers (of all sexes and genders) are often seen fighting for women’s sexual autonomy more openly and radically than their middle or upper class elite “intellectual” feminist counterparts. I assume this is because most sex workers know what it’s like to fight the patriarchy face to face within their own industry day in and day out without the respect of their non sex worker sisters at day’s end. I’m sure sex workers may also care less about what society has to say or whether they’ll lose their job for speaking out, though there are many other dangers in revealing your SW identity, especially today in the US. It’s hard work to peel back the layers of shame and insecurity we’ve all been vested with and walk boldly into the career choice of a sex worker, illegally or legally employed.

To answer the quote above more directly: sure, it’s not wholly untrue that frequently people choose to engage in sex work of one kind or another because of economic coercion. However if you fix the system that coerces people into entering sex work, you must then make space for and respect the people who continue to do sex work because they choose to. What then? Well, let’s actually start giving consensual adult sex workers what they want.

What sex workers want is decriminalization. Sex workers and almost all clients of sex workers want sex work to be safe, chosen, consensual, not trafficked, nor coerced. Sex workers want to be able to go to the authorities when there’s a reason to without worrying about arrest, rape, interrogation, disbelief, or any other violent manifestation of whorephobia. The “Craigslist Killer” was caught in part because sex workers were able to openly go to the police with their information during the period of time Rhode Island had decriminalized indoor sex work. Rates of STIs and rape in the general population went significantly down during this time too.

Decriminalization is a healthier legal choice within a world which has never, historically, been without sex workers. Sacred sex workers have been part of the church and played important roles in politics in past civilizations. Sex workers are often sexuality educators, and help clients who haven’t been sexually educated become so, including becoming better socialized at navigating the subject of sex within society and their own personal communities.

Sex workers want sex trafficking to end and for victims of these crimes to get the care, attention, and resources they need. Sex workers want sex traffickers and anyone else who makes adult consensual sex work unsafe dealt with by the law.

Imagine if all the people in jail for non-violent drug charges were to be let go, and instead we focused on arresting and prosecuting violent offenders, rapists, domestic abusers, and those participating in sex trafficking who are not the victims of trade. I have a feeling the prison system’s incarcerated population would on average become more white and somewhat less impoverished.

Who might be choosing sex work as their vocation in that world? Well, just like in this one, the people who are sex workers would.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support this writing and art through my Patreon campaign.
~Thank you.


Photo by Jonathan Beckley

There are days I need to be quiet. Hours of nothing. Stillness. Rumbling within. Mouth glued shut around my impending vocal boom. There are days I need not to move.
~Creature/Karin Webb


A new acquaintance on Fetlife asked me about being ftm today. They said they had a theory about why there’s an 8:1 ratio of trans women to transmen (I number I hadn’t heard before). They thought it might have something to do with societal privilege and how it’s less acceptable in our culture to be a feminine man vs. a masculine woman. He is getting at something there, of course it’s not the whole story. Here are a couple of other things I think:

Patriarchal society is always more interested in what happens to what it perceives as male bodies, than what it perceives as female bodies. How that plays out can be deconstructed in a number of ways.

There’s an economy in place meant to keep men from a full experience of their bodies, their emotions, their sensuality, and their femininity in order to control their physical strength. Men are rewarded economically for “being men” and aligning themselves with macho values.

Trans reality flies in the face of that economic hierarchy and people who have been vested with “membership to the club” face a lot of violence when eschewing privilege by honoring their identities. Adversely, people who have never been rewarded or welcomed into the club, those who have been neglected or maligned since birth, can more easily pass under society’s radar when not adhering to the rules. Being a butch woman is more socially acceptable than being a feminine man.

When you’re part of a minority class, assigned at birth, it’s hard to want to claim space in the class of your oppressor even when you feel you belong to it. You often understand more nuances concerning the reality of privilege because you’ve grown up experiencing it from the oppressed end. Identifying as “butch” rather than “trans” can sometimes be enough for survival, or may feel more accessible to someone who already has to survive on other levels in their lives (economic, racial, sexual, etc.). This may be one reason it appears there is a disparity in the number of trans men vs. that of trans women.

Dominant society’s interest in AMAB bodies far exceeds its interest in AFAB bodies, and shines a spotlight and throws money there. AFAB bodies are not invested in socially or monetarily, they can sometimes more easily disappear.

Connected to this phenomenon, take a look at lesbian and gay cultures, and you’ll see the same imbalance magnified. Most major cities will have at least one (usually more) dedicated gay male spaces that run 24/7 as gay male spaces, in effort to proudly serve that community — which also may benefit trans women, yet historically much less so welcome trans men. In these same cities there might be one or two lesbian “nights” around town on a weekly or even monthly basis. This speaks extremely loudly to the economic divide which is reinforced when 2 privileged people in relationship (gay men) are funding their community vs. two underprivileged people in relationship (lesbian women), who are often unable to fund or network to the same extent for theirs. Here we see the cis gay and lesbian communities mirroring dominant culture and even exacerbating a gendered resource divide.


On Wednesday evening I hosted the first (I hope) meetup of people who identify somewhere within queer, trans, kinky, sex worker, sex worker friendly, POC, people with disabilities, and politically active. We talked about a number of things — our needs and desires as individuals, what actions we’d like to see happen around us or navigate making happen ourselves, what’s already going on in RI, Switter, sex worker strikes, stripper unionization, poverty, women’s work, what it’s like to strip in different parts of the country, how artists fund their art, how race and gender and disability and poverty intersect with all of these notions, how struggle can make you more informed about a lot of issues, the differences and overlaps between chosen work, survival work, and victimization…


Recently a conversation about the history behind the terms Womanism and Feminism came up. It was a good one to be having.


On Wednesday morning Trump signed FOSTA into lawYou can sign this petition to overturn FOSTA, I hope you do.


A friend recently mentioned I should make t-shirts which say:

Sex Work is
Women’s work
POC’s work
Trans work
Work for People with Disabilities
& Poor People’s work

Sex Worker Rights are Human Rights
Support Sex Workers


From shit we rise.
It’s starting to feel like Spring…

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.

Teaching and Learning

I’ve been having a blast teaching about kink and gender up and down the east coast for the past couple weeks — and more is to come! I have learned a lot on this tour too. Practicing something over and over again (albeit with slightly different variations each time) has the benefit of clearly pointing out my flustered spots and the places I need improving. I’m thankful for the opportunity to so quickly focus and get stronger at this thing I love doing.

I’ve taught a pretty wide range of audiences so far. They’ve consisted of: people who are generally vanilla and/or kink curious and interested in picking up some skills casually for the bedroom, I’ve taught people in a tight knit regularly playing BDSM community who were already very comfortable with one another, I’ve taught within a couple intentional communities made up of people who all know each other pretty well but don’t necessarily play with each other at all, and I’ve taught a private class for a couple wanting to explore new ideas with my help…

I’m not going over the material radically differently from group to group, but I do realize that I’m covering the material organizationally differently in response to the room I’m in. Working with the couple there was a heavier attention on encouragement to try things and not be afraid, we also focused on conversations about how to communicate in the moment about what is desired, and how to negotiate the specifics of a scene. In the group where everyone knew one another well and were comfortable playing with each other already my emphasis became challenging them to switch sides and learn something new about what it’s like to connect in different ways than they’re used to — to worry less about the skills and more about the experience being had on both sides of play. In the groups which were community oriented I realized I was best put to the job of uncovering and mediating some of the conversations already happening between community members on the topic we were covering so that we could move beyond those concepts during class and get back to the curriculum I had prepared; I found myself asking the group to explore less fearfully and know that it was ok not to “get it right”. Finally, the groups who are looking for fun in new places and don’t have a preexisting relationship with others in the room are the group type I teach to most frequently, and they are generally easy and attentive, ask questions, and are appreciative at the end. It’s interesting how pre-existing relationships between audience members on a group level can change the dynamic of a room — it seems obvious, but I’ve had less opportunity to expore those situations before this tour.

One thing I realize I need to do is come up with a solid beginner’s spiel. I find I too easily respond to the needs of my crowd on a friendly level without holding my own and working through nitty gritty details before anything else happens. I need to respond more firmly to side commentary so it doesn’t usurp the flow of what I’m teaching. I need to have a clearer safety spiel/disclaimer — one that doesn’t assume people will do their research without me actually telling them “this is a quick introduction to an idea, you need to do some further research and study what can go wrong before getting into this type of play yourself”. I realize my own propensity for exhaustive research is not a value or behavior of everyone’s before jumping in…

To honing my skills further, seeing ever more broadly, and continuing to have opportunities to serve the projects of my passions.

Play On My Friends,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

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