Cultural expectations are killing us. Men are expected to be split between body and intellect — archetypes illustrated as the “bruiser/blue collar worker” vs. the “CEO/nerd/inventor”. Similarly women must be split between their sexuality and nurturing instincts with archetypes most commonly iterate as the “Mother” vs. the “Whore”.

Transness, gender fluidity, non-binary identity, and/or having a focus on personal completeness outside of social construct is a beautiful and freeing place to reside and play within the self. The opportunity to recognize complexity not only within one’s own sex, gender identity, and orientation, but within all of the roles and archetypes set forth within society is critical work. Each of us is a dynamic whole attracted to and successful in embodying (to varying degrees) any archetype presented. Naturally we align with some types more than others — though if being a character actor has taught me anything, it is that empathy for all “types” is not only possible but deeply important and personally effectacious.

The construction worker/plumber/farmer (male body-alligned archetype) day in and day out also works with numbers and real world problem solving to get the job done. The CEO/computer programmer/scientist (deemed essentially intellectual) in order to be effective is inspired by their ability to take in the responses and reactions to their work by the self and the physical world around.

Pregnancy, the so-called harbinger of a nurturer-to-be, is a natural result of expressed sexuality.  Not all sexuality will result in pregnancy. Not all pregnancies are a result of sex or consensual sexuality. Not all nurturers have been through a pregnancy. Not all pregnancies result in nurturing. The nurturer must attend to the needs of their own body first in order not to burn out or harm those in their charge. The sexually accommodating/free/engaged person must care for their health through medical checks, research, development of habits with which to stay safe and healthy, trips to the store for toys, various supplies, and cleaning materials — is this not a dedicated form of nurturance? Sharing a thoughtful and enjoyable sexuality can be deeply nurturing.

Our realities are more complex than the variably defined filters which “identity” causes us to view our civilization, one another, and ourselves through.

Behavior: what we do is as important as how we identify. If we identified along the lines of every experience we’ve had, over time we might allow ourselves to continue having more varied experiences. There is a crisis in communication concerning sexuality, a gap of honesty within ourselves and to one another which allows us to cling tightly to an “idea of oneself” — one’s stated identity — which sends concentric shock waves of distortion to all those nearby. For example, who’s ever been in a relationship where they’ve been led to believe one thing about their partner which, in actual practice, was not completely lived as advertised? We deceive through omission much about our experiences, our behaviors, and our feelings, perhaps in an effort to fit in with what we believe others wish to believe about us, and perhaps to reinforce that which we wish to believe about ourselves.

What if we identified as we have behaved: I’m a “enjoys-making-out-with-anyone-I-feel-kindly-toward-when-I’m-drunk-but-have-only-dated-AMAB-people-romantically-yet-have-enjoyed-being-fisted-by-a-female-during-a-threesome-once-and-only-want-penetration-about-once-a-week-on-average-unless-it’s-with-someone-new-sexual”? It would be more difficult for that person to communicate quickly about what they like and don’t like. I think even more insidiously though, it would be even harder for them to have to explain (and personally own) dissonance with others in a moment of confrontation.

When a woman says they’re “heterosexual”, yet behaviorally has had the experience of making out with another woman “for their male partner’s enjoyment” and found that they liked it too, that woman is not generally expected to make out with other women whenever the opportunity arises. A simple “I’m straight” usually suffices in shutting the scenario down wherever it’s coming from (proposition from another woman, boyfriend wanting it to happen again, or whomever suggesting something like that occur). No one in the situation has to feel bad — because you can’t fight their “identity”. In reality she just might not feel like it. Sadly that’s not a protected reason for turning someone down in most communities, and that articulation may not be respected.

People use a similar line of meaning making when they fail to disclose sexual activity to a partner they’re supposed to be transparent with when the sexual experience happened outside the parameters of “counting”. Take that same woman, she might have a sexual experience with another woman and not tell her boyfriend about it because “it didn’t count” since she’s “heterosexual”. He may still want knowledge of that activity disclosed.

Yet another way this manifests is in longterm repression of personal interests and desires. That same woman may repress her desire to have sexual or sensual experiences with women because she doesn’t want her “heterosexuality” (and let’s be honest: usually all of the privileges it holds) to be put into question by herself or by others.

In all of the above instances it’s illustrated that we’re more attached to the “idea of an identity” than we are to being honest with others or even ourselves about our feelings, reactions, desires, actions, and possibilities. It’s hard to say to someone “I’m not interested” without having an excuse for why it’s “not about them” and “not in your control”. It’s difficult to be explicit and thoughtful about one’s feelings when faced with opportunity, desire, fear, confusion, complexity, inexperience, and a million other felt situations. It’s hard to react to a moment by slowing down and considering all of the moving parts before explaining what you are open and not open to experiencing in that very moment. Sometimes this is doubly reinforced because we are afraid of another person’s reaction to rejection. I think it’s also connected to the common desire “to be liked”. Rejection may cause others not to like us as much, and most everyone wants to identify as “someone who is liked”.

I identify as “sexual”, as in: I’m either attracted to you or not, just like everyone else. A note on what this does not mean:

  • This doesn’t mean that if I am attracted to you I necessarily want to get sexy or romantic about it.
  • This doesn’t mean that if I’m not sexually attracted to you that I never will be. I’ve found on more than one occasion that after years of getting to know someone more intimately I’ve come to find them increasingly sexually palatable and if the right moment came along so might some degree of romantic or sensual/sexual connection.
  • This doesn’t mean that if I am attracted to you and want to get down about it right now that I’ll feel that way in a half hour, a week, or a year from now. I’ve definitely fallen out of sexual attraction with people, and I don’t think I’m the only one to have that experience.

These are all reasons why our culture’s deepening understanding surrounding consent is so important in conversations about sensuality and identity. We are starting more and more fully to recognize the complexity of everyone’s wiring and to ask for consent each time we want to plug in. This is also why it’s critical to be able to talk about sexuality and identity and have the courage to articulate, consider, grow, change, and rearticulate as our needs, feelings, and interests evolve.

The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone: which is to say, it’s already archetypically expected that through experience and time we change, we grow, and we become. I remember reading an article once that quoted an older person who had been in a very long relationship with their spouse, and they said something to the effect of: to remain in a longterm relationship for decade upon decade one must fall in love with their partner over and over again as they become new people. No one remains unchanged in their lives. Our cells are dying and newly growing every day. We are meant to move through archetypes as we move through new experiences, and to see the world with new eyes and through new reasoning over time. In this technology filled society which overly acknowledges 13-27 year olds and pushes the value of individuality over community, in this time of single generation social groups and media reinforced divisiveness between age brackets, we all lose. We lose sight of one another. We lose sight of where we’re going and where we’ve been. We lose sight of the Earth we live on and the needs of all the organisms cohabiting on our planet which we are not directly speaking to or directing our energies at. Because of these losses we lose the richness of our incredibly complex and diversely intelligent selves. Without these losses, who might each of us be?

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

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~Thank you.

Sex vs. Kink

I was recently asked what the difference between “kink” and “sex” are. It’s a good question, which people will vary wildly in their opinions about. Following is my take on the subject. I encourage others to disagree and to articulate for themselves differently than I do here — one of the most important things we get from talking about sexuality is an evolving and broadening scope of understanding about how things function differently for others. These varied articulations can, in turn, help us understand ourselves more deeply, or in new ways. I am all for that.

I will start by stating that “sexuality” is something separate from “sex”. Sexuality is a general blanket term which describes the factors surrounding how someone likes to (or does) get off, or feel turned on. Peoples sexualities can be identified (sexual identity) in multiple ways and within different categories such as: kinky, vanilla, queer, straight, gay, bi/pan/omnisexual, asexual, leather, fetishistic, Top/bottom/Versatile, D/s, switch, Sadistic, masochistic, hedonistic, primal, so on and so forth, etc… Sexualities evolve, grow, change, are discovered and rediscovered, and emerge throughout one’s life as one has new experiences, is exposed to new concepts, and generally learns more, and accepts or rejects more about what they find. One’s sexuality is influenced by one’s behaviors, though frequently sexual behavior and sexual identity do not go hand in hand (more on this later).

“Sex” is a word which encompasses a series of activities that one can engage in (or not), and which contribute to a person’s view of their sexuality. What is and is not (what “counts” for) sex is defined differently by different people. For the sake of ease I usually define sex as “anything ending in the word sex or job”. By this definition I would include sexual intercourse (PIV intercourse, genital or anal penetration with toys, all types of fingering, hand jobs, fisting, anal sex), also oral sex (cunnilingus, blow jobs, rimming), scissoring, frottage, masturbation, mutual masturbation, and generally anything which includes the rubbing, sucking, or licking of genitals for the intention of getting someone turned on and/or in an orgasmic state, to be “sex”.

Sex is not just about activities though. How we feel about the activities we engage in, and what we want to believe “counts” accounts for what people label as sex as well. “Energetic fucking” can be as much (if not moreso) sexually satisfying, sexy, and pleasurable as plain old vanilla intercourse is. So is energetic fucking sex? Some would say it is, others would say it is not. The same goes for a lot of activities including some of the ones I have labelled specifically as sex above.

Did you have sex if PIV intercourse only happened for a second with someone you wish you hadn’t hooked up with? What about if it was someone you desperately wanted to fuck? It turns out that we’ll label what counts and what doesn’t count as sex differently depending on how we felt about the situation. People often also say things to the effect of “we sorta kinda had sex not really” in situations where they feel grey about consummation. Is it sex if no one orgasms? What about if only one person involved in the equation does? I don’t believe there is any hard and fast rule to completely defining what is sex and what is not sex. There are a lot of “sexual activities” though, and some of them sometimes seem to count more than others to the general population. It is absolutely possible to believe you have had sex with someone who does not consider the time you spent together sex at all.

Moving in the direction of our next subject for definition, I personally would consider all of the activities I outlined above as examples of “vanilla sex”. I am sure a lot of people would consider at least some of them to be “kinky” though.

A “kink” is a bend or an irregularity in the system. What is kinky and what is not kinky resides entirely in the realm of speculation and personal definition too. The first question one must ask when deciphering whether an activity is “bent” must be: whose system are we evaluating for kinks? Fact: what’s kinky to you may be completely vanilla to me. Things that were defined as kinky to me in the past, may now be viewed as mainstream and vanilla as I’ve gained understanding or experience of the activity in a new way. For instance, consider activities such as spanking and oral sex. Some people consider both of these things to be kinky, some consider both of these things to be vanilla, and people also believe all the variables in between. There is no hard and fast definition about what’s kinky until a person who wants to define it for themselves does so as such. Lines in the sand, all.

What’s the point of defining something as vanilla or kinky to begin with? Well, I think like all perfectly imperfect language useage, it’s shorthand to find others who might be into what you’re into. We take a general idea (rather than our stringent personal definitions) of what’s “normal” behavior and label ourselves on one side of the divide in hopes to attract or repel people who we believe may identify similarly or differently than ourselves. The follow up questions are the important ones to anyone you wish to engage sexually or kinkliy with: ok, so you’re [vanilla/kinky], what types of things do you like to do? What feels good? What drives you wild? What should I do/not do to turn you on?

Now let’s revisit that idea from earlier about “Identity vs. Behavior”. Someone may not identify as kinky, but may also get really turned on by, let’s say… being tied up. Their behavior, when they decide to get turned on by going out and getting tied up a bunch, may be viewed by others as kinky. So is that person kinky? To much of their community, the answer may be yes. Does it matter? No. It matters to the person identifying the way they identify why they choose the identity they choose. Even if they are enjoying categorically “kinky” activities on the regular, if that person identifies as vanilla, they are vanilla. We don’t know all there is to know about that person or their reasons for choosing one identity over another. A person’s identity is their right to define as they choose for their own reasons in whatever moment they are sharing it with others. It’s important that we trust and respect people and their processes of uncovering and defining their own lives. This doesn’t mean we can’t ask questions or have a great conversation about how we view the definitions of these words differently, and we can also discuss the finer points of growing and discovering or rejecting new facets of identity over time. This also doesn’t mean we should deliberately hurt or mislead others by being opaque to the meaning of our behaviors and the expectations we set up when we use certain words exclusively to people we’re sharing our identities and sexualities with either… At the end of the day, we are all works in progress for better and for worse. We are all responsible for meaningful clarity and reasonable transparency about our interactions with others. We do not all agree about where these gray definitions land, hence the need for multiple ongoing conversations about our needs, wants, and expectations from the people we’re sexual and sensual with.

How you feel about these subjects is important. How you feel about them helps you figure out your own personal boundaries and articulate yourself more clearly than if you only thought in black and white dictionary definitions about what “should” or “shouldn’t” make you feel turned on, sexual, or sensual with another person. Also, as important as it is to respect people’s differences, community standards exist and account for some degree of safety and general information dissemination for reasons. The young person who believes oral or anal sex “isn’t sex” may be more vulnerable to STIs because they believe they are still “a virgin” and therefore invulnerable to the consequences of engaging in sexual activity. Here we see that differing community standards can contribute to education and/or potential harm through an unexamined ignorance of all the contributing factors which play into behavioral reality. Does it matter that you’re [gay/kinky/monogamous/heteroflexible…]? Only to the extent that responsible conversations with the people you are engaging with sexually/sensually/kinkily/romantically with are able to happen relatively transparently.

So go to it! It’s the most natural thing in the world to be turned on. Let’s talk about sexuality, sex, kink, behavior, and identity…

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.


Vibrant beautiful little things, reminding us to slow down and notice them…

This week I’m immersed in a lot of things. The theme seems to be sensuality — a meditation on connecting with the body and surrounding environment at a visceral, emotional, and sensual level. It fits well with the oncoming season change. These Northern temperatures shift drastically throughout the day, followed by humidity, scattered weather, and emotional states… We are preparing for colder times. Times we want to wall off, but also time we would benefit from the heat of others and warmer environs. It is a good time to collaborate.

Speaking of collaboration, I am currently in tech week for a show I am Directing. The show is full of circus performers who are highly skilled but sometimes less actor/storyteller connected to their material within performance. Over and over again the direction I give boils down to breath, to being in the moment, to slowing down and using the apparatus they’re on like a scene partner, to have a sensual connection with their medium between “tricks” to support the piece’s story arc… Sensuality. That we are connected to our Mother Earth and environment at all times — not just when we’re doing an exciting winning move.

I’ve found this recently in a more sexual context too. I was with a partner who enjoys exhibitionism and we met someone who enjoys watching couples have sex, so invited them over for a show. It was a pretty fun time together, but it was also an interesting study in how people who don’t know one another and are not going to have sex, can still communicate sexually and sensually with one another quite openly. Our watcher had such a sweet face and was definitely interested in both me and my partner’s bodies (my partner was in their’s as well). As the scene was not about us interacting with this person sexually though, it became about a few other things instead.

It became about talking. It became about D/s negotiation. It became about sound, about the thickness of the air in the room. It became about orgasm control, about watching (and watching the watching), it became about selective touch and well placed flirtatious stimulation shy of graphic involvement… It became about playing at the edges of sex and firmly in the world of this intoxicant called sensuality.

On another adventure one day I met a sub who had refrained from orgasm at my request for four days before we met. They edged themselves 32 times over those day (a personal record for them), reporting to me each 5th time, writing to me about how they were feeling… By the time we were face to face all I had to do was touch their leg with my foot under the table to elicit a full body shudder and smile. Sensuality wins in my book.

The feeling of cool crisp air and full sun on my face as I walk the streets of this old, beautifully built city reminds me I am happy living this life. The slower movements of a stroll after a heavy meal, touching the bushes and fence railings along my path. The perfume of flowers I have  stopped to smell, crushing herb leaves in my fingers and offering my hands up to a friend’s nose. Walking closer to another’s body until reaching an arm around is the natural instinct followed, a head close enough to a shoulder that my hand reaches up to guide it there softly, feeling the letting go… Through our senses, we animals know this world intimately, and have an opportunity to dance more closely. We can read tension in our own or another’s body when we slow down enough to notice how the world around us feels, and how the world in us is doing.

I love feeling the world around me. It calms me. My anxieties loosen. My schedule seems manageable and I gut level know I will show up for the next moment successfully after I leave the one I am in. Sensual intelligence teaches me to simply “be”, which is stimulating and calming both. Healthy.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.

Age Verification: www.ABCsOfKink.com addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to www.scarleteen.com — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!