The Many Faces of Bondage

The first book I have work published in!

Tonight I will be performing in Troy, NY at the Berlin, 7-9pm, for the book release party of “The Ultimate Guide to Bondage” by Mistress Couple (Cleis Press). I’m really excited to participate in this event and celebrate my friend’s first book. It is also the first book a contribution of mine has been published in! I’ll probably buy a bunch of copies to sell, so if you’re interested in getting one directly from me, let me know and I’ll put an order in.

What I love about this book is that it’s not only (or even primarily) about rope. Mistress Couple takes the reader on a trip through history, various cultures, and different modes of bondage to explore and celebrate the theme. “The Ultimate Guide to Bondage” offers tutorials in each subject, and includes a number of stories shared by BDSM practitioners about their own experiences with each type of “B” in BDSM. The story I authored is a retelling of my first time in predicament bondage. It was fun, nerve wracking, it tested my limits, and ultimately led to a better understanding of myself… I’ll leave it there for now. You’ll have to pick the book up to read the rest.

Bondage is rope, bondage is relational, bondage is fashion, bondage is a personal challenge, bondage is a choice, an agreement, a sexual preference, even spiritually awakening. Bondage is so much more than the act of doing “the rope and handcuff thing”. It is pleasure, pain, and the angst we continue to get mired in, learn from, and struggle against as we grow. Bondage is life. “The Ultimate guide to Bondage” brings dimension to the scope and variety of ways one can explore their interest in this deep, ultimately primal, subject.

I hope you check the book out, and please do contact me if you’d like to buy a copy directly. I’ll even sign it if you wish.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

This writing takes time, research, and consideration. It is my art.
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Training to be On Top

By Edward Lund from Atlanta, in Edgewood, 30307, United States ([1]) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

This weekend I attended a Mistress/Master… “Maestrex” (I made it up, and I’m keeping it!) training. There was a small group of people gathered for two and a half days, ready to learn some tricks of the D/s trade and to build esteem for the Dominant role and ourselves. It was a fabulous weekend. A ton of material was offered, practice time clocked, really well voiced perspective on how to take charge in a kinky relationship or with clients, and tools shared which made building one’s own D/s relationship not only accessible but fun — all the while fed heartily by healthy and indulgent mealtime fare served by house submissives who were generous with their own experiences, knowledge, and physical offerings throughout.

While many courses like this one are geared toward lifestyle Dominants or professionals, this group had a pretty even mix of both. There were people in attendance who were already experienced, and people who were learning about parts of their Dominance for the first time. As always this dungeon there was a wonderful mix of ages, genders, orientations, and other perspectives present, and the creativity in a room full of D-types soaking in the possibilities is fantastic! I love that many BDSM community spaces offer intergenerational connection to this fantastic way of connecting we call “kink”.

Miss Couple’s way of explaining and breaking down the components of BDSM and D/s relationships is fantastic. She’s welcoming of different perspectives in her teaching, and does a fantastic job of creating context for her lessons. She cares about mastery of skills, research, education, and sharing knowledge. I have yet to see most pillars of kink community attach their perspective to the tyranny of “one twoo way-ism”. How refreshing.

Over the weekend I learned about finding my own voice and style as a Dominant, historical and social context of BDSM, how to build a scene, all about varied kinks and the considerations/dangers/safety requirements of engaging in more intense play. We practiced communication skills, and I even got my whip arm in shape on an actual bottom’s bottom (still beaming at that last one). I left feeling exhausted by all we’d learned, excited to apply new ideas into my own practice, healthy, happy, and with a lot to process. If I have any real critique of this weekend it’s that in Miss Couple’s efforts to share as much knowledge as she can — and her knowledge is vast and deep — there was enough information disseminated to fill about two weekend’s worth of time.

I highly recommend the training to anyone who is interested in upping their Dominance game, and even to those who aren’t sure where they fall on the spectrum. If you find yourself desiring Maestrix knowhow, Miss Couple’s Dominance Training Seminars are a wonderful place to gather instruction, perspective, and practice in a nonjudgmental environment while building community. These workshops are hosted a handful of times a year, and if this particular type of training isn’t your cup of tea, they offer a number of other classes as well. Go get ’em!

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon, or for one time: Support the Artist or email me.
~Thank you.

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