Pain is an interesting subject for me to tackle.  Since I was rather young I remember thinking that pain

was just a feeling like any other, and that if I could hold onto that thought when I was experiencing it, I could probably tolerate more

A photograph from one of the most painful and invigorating play sessions I've had to date. Many of the bruises showed up a day later. I was sad to end this one

A photograph from one of the most painful and invigorating play sessions I’ve had to date. Many of the bruises showed up a day later. I was sad to end this one

Was my childhood particularly painful?  No, I don’t think so.  I was lucky enough to grow up running around barefoot and was pretty fearless in the backwoods of Maine.  I got cut, stung, bitten, burned, smashed, and injured a lot; pain was a pretty regular consequence of my play (so not that much has changed).

I’ve written before on the subject, “Some Beginning Thoughts on Pain Processing“, but today I want to talk more about the diversity of what the subject means to people.  I’ve taken a class with the amazing and wonderful Lee Harrington on the subject.  He also has some great thoughts on video at the Kink Academy (along with other excellent educators), so check that out if you’re interested in more detailed ideas or other points of reference on this subject.

So, what is pain processing again?  In short it’s how you live with pain.  In a kinky sense, it’s how you deal with the sensation of pain to allow yourself to continue on with a scene or activity that requires you to be with it to a certain degree instead of tapping out or safewording to end the activity.  A common reason for processing painful sensations is that the receiver of these sensations might want to tolerate pain for a longer amount of time or to a more intense degree.  There are a LOT of ways to process pain.  Think about how you already accomplish living with various types of pain – when you cut a finger or stub a toe, when you have the flu, when you are engaged in a painful activity to accomplish a particular end result, you might endure pain to test your boundaries, for the bragging rights, or because you are curious what the consequences to a certain action might be…  There are definitely common pain processing tools, but take a little time to think about what you do to endure pain in your life already.

What are some of these common pain processing tools you speak of?  I would say that the most common ones are breath control, movement, and vocal release.  These are probably the most common ones I employ, at least.  When you wiggle because you have to pee, you are managing your pain.  When you breathe slowly and steadily, sucking air through your teeth after being stepped on, you are pain processing.  When you moan or giggle or scream or mumble or swear, you are letting yourself let pieces of your physical sensations go.  It is common to clench and unclench your hands into fists, focus directly into the sensation, or focus on something – anything – other than the pain you are receiving.  It is common to intellectualize the sensation, telling yourself that everything is ok, your sensation is tolerable and not destructive and alright to experience.  It is common to try and turn the sensation you are receiving into another sensation or funnel it into an emotion.  People commonly invest in emotions and ideas to get through pain, feelings like love and adoration or ideas that might look like challenge and endurance.   Sometimes having an end goal is what allows you to suffer through it – there’s something more that you want at the end of the experience.  Some people have out of body experiences or regress…  like I said, there are a million ways to approach enduring painful sensations.  Some will work for you, others will not, and many will work sometimes or in particular situations but not in others.  There is no right or wrong about the ones that you choose as long as you are aware of the line that turns from hurt into harm.

Why is important to know how I process pain or how my partners might?  When we decide to play with pain we are deciding to give and receive sensations that are ultimately pleasurable in one way or another.  Surviving pain can flood us with chemicals that make us feel great! Endorphins are a natural high people have chased in a wide variety of situations for centuries, and there are other chemical rewards for survival as well.  Often people gain a sense of accomplishment from survival in an almost competitive way.  Sharing a painful experience with someone can be a beautiful connector as well as an amazing way to energy exchange.  Regardless of why you want to play with pain though, you should know how your partners tolerate it, what their experience of pain might be like outside your scene, and what their processing could look like.  If your partner goes limp and silent when they reach a certain point, yet this indicates they are in their own little zen bubble of feelings and drifting in subspace ecstasy, it isn’t ideal for the top in that scene to stop every couple minutes to check in or stop the scene altogether because they are worried.  Same goes for someone who might giggle loudly or seem angry…  Knowing how your partner might react to receiving pain will help you build a great scene and have the time and presence of mind to enjoy it.  When in doubt about what’s going on ALWAYS check in with your partner, and ALWAYS talk about what pain processing might look like in your pre-scene negotiations.  It’s not just safety on the line here, it’s connection, pleasure, good communication, and the opportunity to play again.

Photo by M

Photo by M

My life with pain:  I’ve pain processed in a bunch of different ways and the ways I’ve processed my pain have largely been a product of what is going on in the scene or situation.  On top of being a rough and tumble kid I was also a classical ballet dancer who danced en pointe by the time was twelve.  My feet were bruised, blistered and bloody frequently, yet I still made it through class twice a week.  I am female bodied and have enjoyed a wide range of wildly painful sensations monthly, from a dull ache to full on crippling seized up impossibility.  I am what I describe as a “body person”, I have always been very in tune with what’s going on with me physically.  I care about my sensations – all of them – and what they mean, I do not use pain killers or pretty much any western medicine unless an illness gets to a level I can no longer tolerate.  I have had a piece of iron rebar puncture halfway through the bottom of my foot and had to dance in two shows less than a week later, I’ve had a tree fall on me, I’ve been punched to the point of having the rib below my clavicle break (and not taken pain medication in the healing process that followed), I’ve scened with people who describe themselves as serious sadists, I’ve been set on fire, I’ve been poked with needles (on purpose and because I sometimes don’t notice all the pins I drop while sewing), I’ve had my skin broken multiple times from a good singletail whipping, and I’ve had solid black and blue ass cheeks for a couple weeks after many a play session, I’ve found myself in turns pleading to end an activity because I couldn’t tolerate the sensation, and I’ve found myself giggling or deeply and loudly belly laughing at the painful sensations I’m on the receiving end of. I can go on…  Most of these examples were consensual, some the product of my “grace of a clown” disposition.

What has worked for me consists often of breathing and movement, with a good dose of vocal reaction to help out.  I can be pretty loud (actor trained lungs and all) when I’m receiving a good beating, and find the release of my voice helps turn the painful sensations I’m receiving into something distinctly pleasurable at times.  Breath has works for me this way too, allowing me to take a moment and recalibrate before moving on often.  Wiggling, jerking, shaking out, tensing, dancing, bouncing, all these things are probably a primary level of pain processing I enact.  I will employ a good intellectual debate at times and that does the trick quite nicely.  I trust myself when I say to me

You’re going to be ok.  You can take this.  Your body is strong and you can survive this…  Oh look, shiny chemical bliss feelings over there!

And I know.  I trust my instinct, and I work on having a pretty solid one.  I know when it’s time to call it, to say stop/red/to tap out.  I’ve made mistakes and I’ve learned from them.  I pick good play partners who are willing and able to listen to me, to check in, and who have been wonderfully supportive in their ability to talk to me and to notice when I’m getting tired or have reached a peak.  When we play, we all pay attention and the result has consistently been pretty rewarding.

Last thoughts:  Playing with pain can be a really fun, informative, very connecting and powerful activity to (consensually) explore with yourself and partners.  You need to have explicit consent to hurt another person, and it’s really important to know the difference between hurt and harm.  Hurt implies sensation exploration that does not have permanent nor destructive physically, emotionally, or psychologically negative consequences.  Harm is going past hurt and causing negative or lasting damage to the person receiving.  Those practicing the more painful side of BDSM strive hard to stay in the realm of Hurt without Harm.  Research so that you are clear on pertinent physiology, biology, and the consequences physical, emotional, and psychological manipulation can wreak on a person.  It is not just good form, but the mark of a respectful and responsible player.  It will ensure you and your partners have a much more pleasurable (and hopefully repeatable) time.  Take care of one another.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!




Photo by M

I’m quite excited about this topic, sex geek that I am, because it marries so well sexual technique and devious kinky desires!  Orgasm control is a technique with many names in the sexuality education community.  Books have been written about it, and it is generally agreed that this technique is a wonderful way to help people have longer lasting and more enjoyable orgasms.  Obviously in the hands of the kinky community, creative applications are numerous and rewarding in slightly different ways as well.

So…  what IS Orgasm Control?  Edging, surfing, prolonged orgasm, being a tease…  the list goes on, and the technique is employed across the board.  Basically it goes a little like this:  You build yourself (or your partner) up to the point of orgasm without climaxing, without going over the edge, then you stop.  Repeat as many times as you like.  This technique can be used in partnered sex or during your very own alone time, and what it does usually is make the final release of your orgasm (when you finally do let yourself go over that edge) a much more intense experience.  It allows you to build your sexual energy and desire for release up to an extent that will feel oh-so-great!  None of that instant gratification quickie style orgasming here, only good old fashioned slow sex, homemade the way your grandparents did it.

Why is Orgasm Control Kinky?  Well, application, my Dear Readers, application!  Why is anything kinky:  because you make it so.  There are pretty common kinky applications of this technique like

  • Incorporating chastity play into the mix and making your playfellow “edge” a certain number of times without release over a long period of time (minutes, hours, days…)
  • Training your sub to always ask permission to come
  • Love of control / Love of submission
  • To train your partner to elongate the amount of time they can be stimulated before coming
  • To train your body to separate orgasm from ejaculation (if you always do them at the same time)
  • There is another form of Orgasm Control that a lot of kinky people employ which has an ultimate goal of training the sub to orgasm on verbal command, rather than from physical touch (though this is a lot trickier to accomplish and requires a lot of different techniques over a period of time that may or may not end up being for naught)
  • Because it’s a fun game, and isn’t that the real reason we’re kinky to begin with?

My control issues:  I have been in a relationship where I was told I was not allowed to come without permission.  It was awesome, actually, and surprisingly emotional at times.  To put my love, my physical reactions, respect and obedience, and ultimately my trust that my pleasure would be valued to the point that my orgasm should be put into the hands of my partner, was a tall order.  A tall order though, that paid off in a lot of pleasure, trust, and bonding.

There were times I wanted to defy the “no” I received when I was about to climax and every cell in my body wanted to scream “COME ON?!!!!”, and there were times I wanted to cry, and then there were times I felt privileged to have this person near my body caring so exquisitely about my journey during our intimacy.  Those moments made everything beautiful, made everything fall into place in my heart, my breath, my body.  I wanted this.

Masturbation is another area I’ve successfully used this technique, and I have to say that every time I end up wasted, happy, centered, and breathing!  Alive!  I highly recommend the treat when you want to give yourself the time, or the gift if you want to give your partner a challenge (NOTHING wrong with being told “you need to edge 7 times today before I see you next”…  you might just go for 20…  just sayin’).

Things to consider:  Consent.  Any time you want to take anyone’s pleasure in hand, consent and information about what works and doesn’t work for the person is really important – we want this to stay sexy, right?  For example, one thing I realized while negotiating orgasm control with my partner was that because I have a hard time coming to orgasm to begin with, coupling orgasm control with chastity play where I wouldn’t be allowed to release was a limit for me.  My partner doesn’t have the same psychological or emotional reactions to giving over control of an orgasm, and so that idea hadn’t seemed like a tricky one to navigate.  It was a really good thing we able to communicate about those things and find what about the idea worked for both of us.  Research.  Also consider watching videos, reading articles or books, and checking out other sources of information about orgasm control if you want to get more heavily into it.  Start Slowly.  And check in often or talk about what’s working and what isn’t working as you go.  Adjust for greatest pleasure!  Go team!

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

The People I Meet: Matthew

The blog that I publish on Wednesdays is meant to encompass a plethora of different ideas, perspectives, and experiences in the universe of kink.  Often I ask people to write me with their own experiences and points of view about any aspect of the subject that interests them.  Today I share with you writing that was given to me from the POV of someone coming to terms with their own Dominant side in their exploration of BDSM.  It’s also kind of a sweet love story…

I hope you enjoy the writing as much as I do.  And please, Dear Readers, consider taking a page from this person’s book and share some of your own thoughts and experiences with me.  You can be anonymously credited, have a name or pen name attached, and you are free to write me with whatever thoughts you are having.  Thank you in advance, a very warm thank you to this week’s author, and I hope you enjoy this Wednesday’s “Perspective”.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin


1946-1959 (years of publication for magazine) Source"Bizarre" magazine AuthorJohn Willie, pseudonym for John Alexander Scott Coutts

1946-1959 “Bizarre” magazine
Author John Willie, pseudonym for John Alexander Scott Coutts

I have been struggling with how BDSM fits into my life. It wasn’t something I always knew I enjoyed.  In fact, I feel as though I have been stumbling clumsily through everything I enjoy.  Sometimes I think I’m not good enough to be competent and confident in my abilities.  Of course, my competency and confidence will grow the more I practice and talk about what I do enjoy.  Despite having some really fantastic first experiences, my doubts still keep me asking why do I nurture these feelings, emotions, and interests.

A moment that really stands out for me involves a cage.  Well, it involves 3 cages.  We were in Seattle visiting a friend of hers.  He is also kinky.  His house was complete with a dungeon and 3 cages of varying sizes scattered throughout his house.  The cages all have stories, were hand crafted, and were of varying sizes and uses.  After going out for dinner, we get a tour of the house along with all 3 of his cages.

The first cage was fairly large.  To give you an idea, you could pretty uncomfortably fit about 6 people inside.  I’m given the key and the lock.  After checking to see if the lock worked properly, I have my partner get in and sit down.  She looks pretty comfortable smiling out at me with a cup of coffee in her hands.  So we all sit in this room, talking about this cage while my partner is happily locked inside.  I wasn’t sure why I wanted to see her locked in but it might have been the novelty of seeing someone locked in a cage.  All I knew was that I enjoyed seeing her behind these bars, sitting comfortably, and drinking a cup of coffee.  Then I remembered there were 2 more.  One of them I saw earlier in the living room.  That was probably 1/3 of the size and the thought of my partner squeezing into this one was even more exciting.

So, I unlocked cage 1 and we were taken back to the living room to play with cage 2.  This cage was much shorter, maybe 2 feet high, so she had to get down on her knees to be inside.  It opened via a hatch on top, where the locking mechanism was built in.  This cage might be about 4-5 feet long.  She could sit and lie down in this cage pretty comfortably for a short period of time, if she bent her body in certain ways, before her limbs would get a little stiff.  She kept smiling at me, as she got comfortable.  We stayed at this cage for a little longer than the first. She was comfortable and I wanted to see her squirm around trying to find the most comfortable spot.

After I unlocked the 2nd cage, we were led down into the basement, where the 3rd cage was kept.  This one was my favorite.  It was a similar size to the 2nd cage but there was extra rods that could be inserted and locked vertically and horizontally.  My partner fit in pretty easily and comfortably to begin with.  First, I started placing rods in random areas just to see how they affected the space.  Once I noticed how my partner was placing her body to accommodate them, I started putting more thought and care into the locations I chose for the remaining rods.  Her body curved over and under iron rods, forcing her to hold the position she was in.  She was on her forearms and knees, her ass resting on one of the iron rods, a couple of them under her stomach, another below her breasts, and one right below her throat.  Her arms were stretched over the last iron rod, she was on her forearms with her hands outside of the cage.  This was her position as she tried to relax into it and find comfort.  She did beautifully.  Her body looked incredible tangled up in a small cage.  Her hands were still free to do as they pleased, though.  I asked our host for a bit of rope so I could bind them together.  That was the finishing touch.  I wanted to sit there and watch her.  Then I unbound her hands, carefully removed the iron rods, and opened the cage so she could exit.

In the car that night, she asked what that was like for me.  How did it feel?  I immediately responded with, “It felt great but I don’t have a cage fetish”.  She looked inquisitive and asked me to elaborate.  The more I thought about it and spoke about my thoughts with her, the more I realized I did enjoy cages much more than I thought I would.  The thought of owning my own cage is very pleasant.

The reason I enjoyed seeing her caged was because I saw that she was giving up her freedom and comfort for me.  She knew I enjoyed seeing her in those positions, little by little trying to take small amounts of comfort from her, to push her a little more.  She gave that comfort up and found her own pleasure in the situation.  The lasting impression I took away from this experience was that of love and devotion.  I put her in those cages because I love her.  She allowed me to put her in those cages because she loves and trusts me.  It was an epiphany that didn’t fully make sense.  Though, there’s no other way to describe it.  I look upon that evening with a full heart and butterflies in my stomach; fully turned on.  This is one reason I want to continue to nurture my explorations into BDSM.


If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

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