
My dashboard garden is back and I’m so happy to watch these beautiful creatures grow!

I feel really great in my body these days. I wish I’d known sooner what hormones could do for me. The experience of enjoying my physical body in the mirror and under my own fingertips rather than feeling trapped in it and persistently worried about how I look IS AMAZING!!! Seriously, I had no idea daily life could be like this. I think T is lifting a lifelong fog of depression and anxiety off of me and I’m very thankful for it.

To everyone who ever point blank told me to my face that “they just see me as a girl”, or “I just seem more femme rather than butch to them”, or that “I just look better when I dress girly”, or that “I’m not a tomboy b/c tomboys don’t wear dresses”, or any other reinforcement of the female femme ideal — which is already constantly crammed down my throat by the rest of the world (and to which I don’t usually choose to interact with face to face): You are a huge reason I didn’t get here earlier. I need you to know that. I need you to know that not because I want to tell you you were wrong, but because I want you to consider the weight of pressuring others to be as you wish them to be. It hurts to be told you can’t be who you feel you are. It is a painful lifestyle to persist holding a line you’re told to hold which feels wrong, and some of us are good enough at holding on, that we really need friends and to have role models who see us for who we are and who give us permission to let that line go.

I sincerely apologize to anyone if my words or actions have ever made them feel small about their identities or wrong about sharing themselves with me. It’s never been an intention of mine. I haven’t always understood as much about how my words affect each person I’m speaking to, and I know I’ll make mistakes in the future too, but I want to know when I do. I want the opportunity to reconsider the meaning of my actions. I want to be better than my mistakes.

I roundly thank everyone who has seen me and believed me and accepted me as I’ve journeyed and evolved and learned to articulate myself over the years. Without you I would still be desperately wanting things I didn’t feel I deserve to get (which is on me, but you all really helped me out a lot).

As I write, acknowledging this feeling of happiness I’ve been feeling since starting T, I want this moment to be a reminder to consider the impact of our very human desire to label others — especially to their faces — with labels we’re comfortable with rather than the labels someone else tells you they want to be labeled as. Almost every single bit of information we take in in this world is gendered, racially loaded, ableist, and constructed to tear our individualities down for the benefit of a privileged class. We can (and must) change that by considering one another not as objects, but as individual creatures with vibrant internal worlds which we will never be privy to the full intricacies of without asking first, without believing the answers we receive, and without caring to wonder more deeply about who we’re interacting with in the first place. When someone tells you who they are (and who they are not), consider believing them immediately before questioning what they’re saying. Consider asking questions about how that works if you aren’t sure you understand. Consider trusting people who gather the courage to tell you something about themselves.

Love from my glowing, growing, vibrant garden inside, and as always —

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature (Crea)

Please support my work at Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.

It’s About to Rain

It’s about to rain and I am leaving my house soon. Thunder is cracking. The heat and humidity has been terrible and a storm will pass through to wipe it all away. Reset the air. Reset our attitudes. Reset for the next swell of inflammatory summer. I am beginning my writing too late. I’ve been putting it off, feeling my own stress build — but that’s what happens when you live in a van crossing the country in a driver’s seat instead of staying on top of your email. I’m excited to be caught walking in the wet (abnormal for this cat but true). I’m scratching at the door. Let me out of here!

I want the wet to decompress in. I want the wet to soggy down my thoughts and haze, hanging humid in my brain about what next: City or country? Domlife or stage haunt? Garden and tincture or weld and glassblow? Why not all the aboves? How? Am I keeping up with my daytime disciplines or do I need to be doing more each day to find my foothold, to get ahead? I’m thirsty. I want the wet to cool me, calm me, center my body and mind. I want the wet to be, like, graphically wet. Natural lubrication from the sky over my clothes and body making things slippery smooth, and I’ll have no choice but to feel everything differently because of it. The wet slows me down even as it unglues me. Wet, as it hangs around undry, argues that we are Taking. Our. Time.

Everyone is arguing the vocabulary of identity in this heat, as if a standard could ever exist… The point of identity is intimacy. The words I whisper to you about me. My words, mine. In the big picture yes, they shouldn’t say that in front of those people, because everyone knows better these days, but what does this mean now that we’ve embraced that thing over there, and where do we put all those ideas from yesterday? On and on and on forever because as organisms cursed with the glory of life we must do the most beautiful-terrible thing constantly all the time: grow.

I, for one, am happy that we won the term “Queer” back, and that “they/them” is in vogue these days (I’ve been waiting patiently for that one for a couple of decades now), yet it seems they’re taking “Bi” away in exchange. I’ve been Bi, and even if it’s not what I use now, I don’t like the new fangled words more than that one. I think it’s fine, and unfairly villainized, and everyone knows what it means even though the echo of “two” turns a tad sour in our mouths when we taste for Gender. But that’s not what it really is trying to say. Yes? Still though, off and away she goes. I hope my made-up identity, “Sexual”, catches on one day. I know there’s a question mark containing eyebrow arch from an Ace or Ace ally in the room (written with love).

Words are imperfect.

Our attachments to them are not just by dictionary, but in association. We each associate variably.

I love the word “Cunt” because it feels so fucking good in my mouth… just like a cunt does. And “Dyke”. It’s mine. My identity. You can’t wrestle it away from me.

What are the symbols for Queer now? What pictorial phraseology do we use to wink at Stealth Queers and Passing Trans and Kinksters in a picture of “Friday at the office” before going out to haunt the night dressed in shades of inappropriate and “oh my”? Does it matter anymore? Has it all been commodified and commercialized and spread too thin to recognize? Now that we ask one another for pronouns, and get all the consents, what’s the point of a flag or a tapdance on the men’s bathroom floor? Where are our cheats and naughty, perverted, under the radar confessions flown in public now? How do we signal the quiet queering of our spaces? Or is outing it all without a legally backed oppressor in sight what we’ve been building towards? Will there be no Queer one day? Will we laugh or cry on that humid afternoon? (See, one can get all romantic and sappy about the shitty but hardcore past without being a TERF about it. Fucking wankers.)

And the rain. Slowing. Me. Down.

Even though 1s and 0s seem to make the Earth spin faster on its axis, when we get together after typing lustful confessions and someone lumbering through town to the other one’s sty, we still have to face one another. Cold water. Eye to eye. Breath and breath. Heartbeats, nerves, smiles, knee jerks, clumsy fumblings, mismatched desires, unequal libedo, and under it all a glorious sense of “am I really doing this right now?!”. Yes! The short answer. That perversion is still real. You are doing it.

So breathe. Don’t sweat the small stuff. We haven’t forgotten how to communicate completely, we’ve just been pressured to move too fast.

What do you want to know about me? I want you to ask. We can fight about politics if you scene me roundly into a second date… But for now, slow down. Let’s be wet. Wet and cool and away from the swell of inflammatory summer.

It’s raining now, I’m stepping out.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature (Crea)

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Morning after my first T shot

Announcement: I am a few days into my first T shot!

Some background: About a year ago I was set up to start taking T, but I was in a relationship which didn’t emotionally support it. I decided to cancel my doctor’s appointment which would put that prescription in my hand. Since being out of that relationship I’ve been traveling and not available to reschedule my appointment, nor have I felt I knew enough about my constantly changing calendar to maintain starting it. A few days ago I was offered a dose from a friend, and I’m really happy that I accepted.

After this one shot there are a few things I’ve noticed feel different to me. Barely into one dose isn’t going to make a huge change, but there are some things that do feel new. Here are some of my experiences so far:

1. The voice in my head which for my entire life has been nagging and insecure (often to a rather paralyzing degree) about how I look, how I’m perceived, what I’m allowed to do, and whether my needs are worth standing up for has:

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

It’s like a magic muzzle took it away, and that voice in the back of my brain is dulled out or missing entirely from my daily routine. I wonder if that phenomenon is truly a testosterone thing, or a balancing of my personal brain chemistry thing, or something else? It makes me wonder, as a vast generalization, could it be possible that the more T you have swimming through your veins on the daily, the less apt you might be to caring what you look like, spending a ton of time picking apart those details or persevering on it, and allowing such thoughts to deeply influence how you reach out to others? At base I always believed this dynamic to be socially constructed and reinforced by our culture along sex lines. From experience, I know that AFAB people are taught to be concerned about our outward appearances from a very young age, and it’s persistently reinforced in millions of ways publicly, socially, and commercially from that point on. This conversation is obviously complex and multi-layered, but I didn’t expect to feel more secure in my body and confident in general as a side effect of taking a little bit of hormone. My thought patterns, emotions, and functionality have been notably different in the past few days though.

Or maybe it’s a personal-to-me brain balance thing rather than a general side effect of the hormone testosterone. Maybe my brain has been persevorating on these things my whole life in part because my brain wanted more testosterone in my system to ease it out. In general I haven’t felt treated as I’ve wanted to be throughout my life, and maybe taking T somehow balances my brain chemistry in a way which makes the world around seem less stressful to me?

Or perhaps it’s psychosomatic. Maybe by taking this drug which I’ve been wanting to take for a long time, I just feel better about me and can relax about myself a little bit because I’m doing something about it?

Regardless, I really like this feeling of confidence and contentment with my body. I really like touching body parts which I avoid looking at and feeling them differently under my fingers — liking them, feeling their strength, and the way they take up space is positive in a way that’s new to me.

Related, another side effect seems to be that I’m finding it much easier to clean out my system. My intestines feel very functional, and I’ve struggled my entire life with that particular functionality. I connect my intestinal angst with a history of sexual trauma, so I wonder if feeling more physically confident will affect that to some degree?

2. My appetite seems much more consequential. Primally so. I have not been feeling “hungry” the way I am used to. When my stomach growls, my brain isn’t all like, “hmm, how do I feel about eating now…?”. Since taking the shot, I become aware at some point that I need food, and it feels like a demand not a question. When I wait too long to eat I arrive at my meal in a very irritable mood.

I’ve always considered the concept of “hangry” a cute thing that meant “kinda moody and tired or sad ’cause needing to eat”, however over the past few days it’s been like “hungry = agro”. Agro like I don’t really remember feeling much in the past. When I eat I am devouring my food. I am not taking bites here and there and enjoying the conversation. I am wolfing down food. I feel my jaw chewing and my throat swallowing as a bodily focus. It’s as though attitudinally my shoulders are hunched inward protecting my meal. I feel like I know what my father felt like when I watched him eat so much so quickly when I was a child. Wolfing down food, I masticate deliberately with speed and drive these past few days. I need to relearn how to eat, I think. And carry snacks.

3. In conversation I want you to get to the point, and I’m not nervous about stating what I need as well. As I write this, I’m trying to sell my van and buy a new car. It’s been hard for me to figure out what I want out of the deal, how much I think I need to make for my current situation to work out, and it’s been hard to put a finger on how low I’ll go. Pre-shot I was ready to accept any amount I could get, just to get the thing sold. Today as I sat with a prospective buyer who’s been negotiating with me for the past couple weeks, he was explaining what he wanted to pay, and as he was talking I heard my head say, “get to the point, what’s your offer?!” — very out of character for me. When the offer was less than I desired it to be, I easily and casually replied “I understand where you’re coming from, but this is what I need for the deal to work out for me, and I can’t go under that amount”. I know it sounds simple, but that type of self advocacy has historically been hard for me to communicate without getting overly diplomatic, or pulling back from the finality of it, and certainly I’ve always stress-sweated my way through the entire exchange.

I feel great about the deal working out, and I feel great about it not working out. I don’t feel as though everything I need is riding on someone else’s whim. I’ve consistently shied away from conflict, given things away, or accepted being underpaid for my work because I feel overwhelmed by demanding what I need, and I’ve been fearful of rejection when I do. That fear seems to have evaporated with a subcutaneous injection of .4 ml clear viscous T.

4. I have been more awake and ready to go in the morning than usual. I am already a morning person, however I usually stay in bed a bit and read, check my email, and ease into my day slowly. Since my first morning post-shot I have woken up, spent a minimal time in bed, and immediately felt ready to get at the day. I haven’t felt tired throughout the day like I usually do, and my focus has been on point. I want to do physical things more frequently and earlier in my day. I haven’t been feeling depressed. It’s nice.

Do I think all these things are completely testosterone related? No, not really, but maybe? The only time I have ever taken hormones in the past was when I was 17 and had an abortion. Afterward I went on the pill for about 6 months, and it wreaked havoc with my body, my cycle, and my emotions. I hated the way I felt, and my body didn’t return to what I considered “feeling normal” for a few years after taking myself off the pill. Because of that situation I’ve never considered taking hormonal birth control of any type again. I absolutely believe that hormones affect us in a lot of ways rather deeply — my experience of my menstrual cycle for the past 26 years seems proof of that too.

I think there is a balance between the side effects of this hormone, and my personal brain chemistry in reaction to it. I think it’s possible there’s a psychosomatic desire for things to feel different, coupled with a hyper awareness of myself currently that may or may not be attributed to the T shot and a host of other environmental factors — like the fact that I was camping all last week.

Regardless, I have been really happy (except when hangry) since the shot. People have been commenting on it. I’ve been smiling a lot. I’ve been silly and playful in ways I haven’t felt in a while. I’m excited to play with makeup and re-find my love of pretty things as I feel less entrapped by the idea of being perceived as a female femme. Simply that my brain is less low-grade consistently worried about what next steps are coming in my ever-morphing schedule, and less stressed out about how I’ll get to the next place in my list of journeys, makes me feel as though I have more room in my life, my mind, my body, and my heart.

I want more.

Today I headed over to the clinic where I had canceled my appointment last year. I was lucky and got a walk-in appointment with my actual primary care physician — the one I specifically asked for because she’s a well known player in the trans program there. It was like picking up where I had left off, and on Friday I get to pick up my first prescription of T! It’s time.

I’m curious if any of my readers have taken T for periods of time in their lives? If so, did it affect you in similar ways I’ve mentioned? Did you have other experiences, and would you feel comfortable sharing them with me? If you have thoughts, feedback, or comments on the subject I would love to hear from you. Thank you. I also want to send a huge and resounding thank you to all of my friends and supporters who are trans-identified (binary and nonbinary) who have welcomed me and valued me in their company over the past few years. Many of you have helped me feel comfortable expressing myself in ways that I have felt really uncomfortable expressing myself and even demeaned for in the past. I need you. I’m grateful you’ve been there. Thank you.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature (Crea)

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and support me. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

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