I am sitting here with a black-and-white duct tape covered body by my feet. From knees down it’s clad prettily in lacy stalkings. It’s collared, a lead reverently placed down the center of its body, head encased in a full hood with blindfold. Jazz plays, and the smells of Copal and burnt Mugwort fill the air. My coffee has been made perfectly. It’s peaceful here, and I’m bound to this helpless body, just as they are surely bound to me.
When a submissive of mine has a hard time quieting their mind or tries to remain in control where they have no business messing with the steering wheel, it’s time to incorporate meditation into our practice. Letting go is one of the hardest things we have the pleasure of learning in this life. It’s a practice, a path, and an opportunity for deep connection. While D/s partners often utilize bondage within a scene, D/s is a form of bondage as well.
Anxiety, depression, hyper-vigilance, trust issues, and a million other personality quirks and commands of the central nervous system are soothed by meditation. Meditation can be practiced in a great number of ways, even within the realm of kink. What even is our adult playground, if not a place to seek out what centers and aligns our spirit with partners?
Mummification is a treat.
A dream.
A vision quest.
A hole of despair with an ending in sight.
An internal wrestle towards conversation.
A place of helplessness.
A space of deep stillness where one can work on the puzzle of acceptance…
Mummification commands that you will let go, rest, and be. It contains within it an ultimatum of nothingness where all that’s possible may reveal itself within the confines of your mind. It’s not for the claustrophobic—unless one is trying to overcome their fears with a safe, responsible, and understanding guide. I would also say that it’s not for people who don’t reasonably trust their Dom/top partner. It takes thoughtful negotiation to strip someone so thoroughly of their autonomy.
We are expansive on the inside, and taking away someone’s bodily control can provide a profound place to explore the inner realm. Without extraneous expectations, and armed with an earned trust securely in place, we are capable of incredible things. Out of stillness: visions, creativity, answers, and surprising depth can be ours. Sitting in front of a computer every day is not what puts us through our our corporeal paces, and in a million ways in this contemporary paradigm we’re robbed of true stillness even as we sit.
Today this body beneath my feet sobbed. This body breathed. This body went on a journey through the mind. This body rested. This body, even for just a few sacred moments, let go. This body’s heart, in turn, opened even more widely.
Play On My Friends,
~ Creature
This writing takes time, research, and consideration. It is my art.
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