March! And Understand that Intersectionality is Freedom

Vulva Necklace made by yours truly. The clitoris spins and is quite nice to finger (with consent of the owner of course).

I’ve been craving queer space lately. One of the fantasies I have is that someone will throw a completely queer party for me while I’m on tour, and I’ll find myself surrounded by dancing people just being themselves fully and outrageously and happily and as queerly as they are. Living in the cis-heteronormative vanilla world is exhausting, and lately I am feeling the effects of how it eats away at my joy — depression brought on by not seeing representations of myself in others or the commercial world on the daily. It’s affirmative: Texas’ll wear your queer ass down. So will most places…

To me “queer” is a pretty inclusive word, inclusive of all non-normative genders, orientations, and sexualities. The queer communities I run with have been primarily welcoming ones, usually willing to host even the un-queer as long as everyone is serving purpose as bastions of self-actualism and acceptance of one another’s personal expression. A word I dearly wish was more inclusive, though its history has a pretty tumultuous record and its current practice is often spotty concerning inclusivity, is Feminism:

fem·i·nism (ˈfeməˌnizəm/)
  1. the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

I identify with a wave of Intersectional Sex-Positive Feminism which holds Womanism as an important aspect of what we’re fighting for, and believes in egalitarian ideals. That’s a mouthful, but it’s an important one because the word Feminist has a long history of not being inclusive to women of color, queers, sex workers, and at times it has been associated with movements which were anti-male, racist, and separatist. It’s important, as time moves along and we evolve our ideals in any movement, to not forget what words and movements have meant to people in the past.

We are in the midst of a monumental week which started with Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Monday), and is fast approaching the Presidential Inauguration (Friday), the Women’s March on Washington and sister cities (Saturday), and finishing off on the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade (Sunday). Sadly, looking at the week’s news I am left asking, “why, in the face of soaring sexism, racism, ableism, LGBTQIA violence, and criminalized sexual agency are we, as players in the women’s movement, not doing better at organizing holistically to amplify our voices above the current standard of abuse in this country?”

A lot of energy from progressives right now is going into the Women’s March. I want to talk about how that work can be more meaningful to a larger section of our population, and point out the fact that by adjusting our political views to be deliberately inclusive, our movement itself becomes a deeper, more powerful movement.

A few days ago I came across an article about the Women’s March in Portland, OR which lost its endorsement by the NAACP because of the myopic views coming from white feminists in leadership positions. They had declined to give time and voice to Black Lives Matter, and immigrants as an important part of the conversation about women’s rights. So they lost the NAACP’s backing. Thankfully the march ended up changing the organization’s leadership in response. This initial disregard of the importance of intersectionality is an example of privilege enacting oppression. When people fighting for equality and expecting those of the dominating class to acknowledge their privilege and do something about it, do not examine their own privilege first to make room for those less privileged than themselves in the fight, the fight is not as just as it portends to be. The Feminist movement has historically ignored the struggles of women of color in its fight for equality, often in the name of these intersectional issues being “too political”. I can’t help but picturing a pearl clutching elite when I hear that argument — and what feminist organizer signed on to lead like that?!

Since when has fighting for equality not been an intensely political act?

Is everyone supporting women’s rights supposed to fight for white women’s liberation and once garnered, that privileged group can exit the battleground celebratorily leaving women of color, immigrants, LGBTQIA, differently abled women, sex workers, and sexual assault survivors to fight their own enduring battles separately?

What do these feminists actually believe in if it isn’t equal rights for all women?

Trickle down economics of equality much?

It can be only fortifying to a movement to include the stories of those doubly and triply harmed from lack of privilege in our society, as we fight for justice and freedom.

In similar news, this week the Women’s March on Washington has changed its mission statement to disclude sex workers. An incredibly articulate and beautiful statement about why this matters was written by Janet Mock. At the core of it is the idea that until we allow all women sovereignty over their bodies we are not truly living in a world where equality exists. This includes supporting a person’s choice to work as a sex worker, and not conflating that concept with trafficking or coercion.

Speaking of this country’s complete lack of respect over women’s bodily sovereignty, a few days ago a Connecticut politician literally pinched a female co-worker between the legs, told her it was “her word against his”, and that “I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct”… Unfortunately for him, there is video surveillance corroborating her take on the event and she filed charges. What the fucking actual fuck (WTFAF)?

(Warning: this next section is a personal rant) As someone who is a survivor of childhood and adult sexual assault, a person grateful for the abortion I had access to as a teenager, an educated (read: greatly skilled and in debt) queer artist who gets paid almost nothing for their work, who can not afford healthcare without the Affordable Care Act (yet still believes in regular STI testing and talking about sex honestly and openly with all partners), and who still to this day has a hard time navigating sex and feeling good about it, I’ll make note of the fact that I’ve been feeling a teeny bit triggered and unhappy for quite a while due to the state of politics. As I do not have a therapist currently, I read a lot and watch lectures on the psychology of healing trauma, I meditate, and I write a damn blog about sexuality to help understand and process my experiences, as well as to be a voice fighting for open conversation about this deeply personal, political, and repressed subject. I am constantly looking to find myself reflected in the world at large, seeking advice about what to do with my feelings when they come up, and I chip away at figuring out what “normal” is supposed to feel like for me as a survivor… I don’t have a map for these things, and I want to be better than the unprocessed and painful reactions I sometimes have to the world around me; I want to be kinder to myself when an unplanned shut-down of my sexual system during playtime occurs; and I want to let go of the shame I feel at my inability to feel safe enough to climax easily. This week I came upon a website geared toward sexual assault survivor care which featured a page welcoming people of all different backgrounds and experiences to their space. Each group was named and and told “you belong here”. It was quite empowering, though when they made mention of the queer community this website named Lesbians, Gays, and Transgender people as belonging, apparently Bisexuals are not welcome to get their needs met in that space. When I wrote them, thanking them for their presence but asking why the omission of “B” in “LGBT”, they answered saying “that we include all survivors of rape or sexual assault, including but not limited to – males who have been assaulted, or if you were assaulted by a woman.”… which I can only read as meaning my sexuality is somehow defined by the sex of my assaulter?!  WHICH IS REALLY FUCKED UP! I politely asked for more information about why they had made the choice to contribute to bi-erasure, offering statistics about bisexual women suffering the highest incidences of sexual assault amongst women (followed by straight women and then Lesbians), and giving information about the impact of bi-erasure on victims seeking help. My response to that was that they weren’t going to change the line, it had served them since 2001 just fine… I wrote back again:

I think it’s unfortunate that you do not include bisexual survivors, and that you do not mention our name in welcome. Bisexuals and Transgender people have a long history of being left out of the LGBT meaning making of our world and I find it distressing that your site so blatantly falls into that lineage. I hope you do not think someone’s sexuality or orientation is in any way associated with the sex of their oppressor, as it seems you might from your first response to me. I think it’s terrible that this site is actively contributing to bi-erasure in a world where people are taken advantage of especially because they do not neatly fit into one category or another.

I do not feel you have adequately answered my questions, nor do I have an understanding of your reasoning. I will not be further visiting your site as I do not feel it is a safe place welcoming me and my history of trauma or, indeed, my foundation for survival — namely finding that I can embrace all of who I am as I struggle to claim my sexuality and identity. I am Bisexual. I exist among the Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender people of this world, but I also have suffered violence and biphobia at their hands. My sexuality is my own, and I believe bisexual people deserve recognition and named space which honors that. By disincluding the word “Bisexual” when you reference LGBT you are contributing to bi-erasure and creating a hostile environment for those of us wondering how safe we actually are as we search for help.

The last point I ask you to ponder, is how this also reinforces violence against bisexual men. As a female I am fetishized against my will and treated as an object most frequently by society (and people). I do not get to see meaningful depictions of bisexual desire in most media which isn’t intrinsically shaming. Bisexual males walk an arguably tougher road than that, facing people trying to reassign and relabel their desires as gay or experimenting to a degree females less frequently are punished for. Men are not given social support to talk about their desires, their sexualities, their feelings, or their shame openly, much less holistically in our culture. It is not healthy or welcoming to have your sexuality undermined and repressed by the black and white values of others.

I don’t need a response. I do hope you’ll further think about the impact of bi-erasure, especially pertaining to those Bisexual people hoping for healing after trauma.

– Karin

So, what am I really saying here? Well, I am saying: Go March! March for your own needs and march for the needs of those who live differently marginalized lives too. Learn about intersectionality. Learn to look around and question how diverse your surroundings are — if your surroundings are not a reflection of the city or town’s population you actually live within, question why — there is an answer. If you are privileged to be in the position of leading a group, learn how to advocate for a diverse audience and then do the work of cultivating diversity (you will need to work with and hire people from diverse backgrounds to accomplish this). Question those around you (mind I did not say accuse or threaten) who are in power when you see something off or less than the ideal you want to live within. Have open conversations with lots of different people about those topics people find “too political” and construct a more 3-dimensional view of what’s happening in those topics. Let people speak for their own experiences, this means learning when to listen, when not to take up space or speak or respond, as a gesture of respect to someone else’s lived reality. Trust minority people. Ask questions and don’t expect answers to all of them — no one has the responsibility to educate you except yourself. Educate yourself about the lives of people who are different from you. Have compassion and empathy. Do the actual work of connection. Show up. Be authentic. Use your voice.

Play On My Friends,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

BDSM Skillshare Classes, PRIDE, and Doing Something…

IMG_1128I’ve been talking for a long while about starting a BDSM skillshare class, and tonight is my first one!

Not only am I really excited about it, I view this work as something I can do that makes the world a safer and less repressed place for everyone. In light of all that’s been happening lately, from the badly behaving presidential debates, to PRIDE celebrations, and the tragedy this weekend in Orlando, I am grateful that I get to gather with like-minded and/or interested people tonight to celebrate and learn more about our curiosities and desires. Tonight’s topic is Consent, Negotiation, Communication, and Safety.

If you’re interested in coming, it’ll be happening monthly, so message me and I’ll invite you to the event. There is a vetting process, so if I don’t know you well enough we can set you up for an interview and you can possibly get into the next one…

Happy GLBT and Queer Pride month, folks. May all our ideas of self be safely explored ones, our skills be innumerable, and may the boogymen and stay further and further at bay.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


DEATH PLAY: The final frontier in Kinkland?  Well…  let’s break it down and look at exactly what’s going on here:

The Evil Queen toasts her conquered enemy, drinking her finest wine in celebration...

The Evil Queen toasts her conquered enemy, drinking the Kingdom’s finest wine in celebration…

When you were a kid did you ever play that you were in battle or war or stepped into the role of evil villain killer?  Did you watch death scenes in romantic movies and marvel at the beauty of someone slipping out of consciousness, or cheer when the psycho killer in a horror flick got done-in in the final scene?  Have you ever been attracted to the Vampire world – a universe created to play with the subject of death from so many different angles?  Have you had near death experiences in your own life that ended up wiring things in new ways surrounding your relationship with the subject?  Are you interested in ‘the unknown’ to a degree in which logical conclusion is your intellectual playground?  DEATH PLAY and those who engage in it aren’t that much different from anyone else fantasizing about the taboo – they are just fantasizing about, perhaps literally, the ultimate one.

Her taste of victory will be unlike any other that's come before

This taste of victory shall be unparalleled

A word from our common sense in this subject matter:  The important word here is “Play”.  As adults, we get to engage in sensations and fantasies, relive edgy emotions, and entertain fears just like kids do.  As adults the sexual playground is natural fodder for many of these explorations, and as adults when we engage in edgy or sexual play we are expected to know the difference between legal and illegal activities, how to engage in safer edgeplay and the difference between that and sheer stupidity.  We own all the responsibility for the consequences of our actions.  Edgeplay does not require less consent, negotiation, checking in, and forethought, it requires MORE.

The spoils of war are sweet indeed. Intoxicating.

The spoils of war are sweet indeed.  Intoxicating

When searching for information on the internet about Death Play or Necrophilia Play, it’s kind of hard to find information that is more on the reasonable/grounded side of the subject.  Death is obviously a very loaded topic for many people, as is sexuality, and the combination can be downright explosive as a topic of conversation in mixed company.  There are forums though, resources and groups devoted to this subject on sites like Fetlife and Dark Fetish Network.  If you’re interested in learning more or want to find people who might share these darker fantasies, those are great places to set up an account and friend up.

What's this, the wine poisoned?!

What’s this, the wine poisoned?!

Lets take a moment for discussion of hard limits, legal concerns, and negotiations:  Most forums you’re on that support, healthily converse about, or allow space for death play conversation/exploration/enjoyment are going to have a TOS/disclaimer to the effect of:

“Please keep in mind, that there is to be absolutely NO REAL-DEATH, UNDERAGE or PRIVATE content here… Remember that this site is all for fantasy, not real-death.”
~ excerpt taken from Dark Fetish Network’s front page

It IS important to point out the hard limits, the rules, and the boundaries that DO exist in Kinkland and in our own personal interests/disinterests during negotiation, because we’re dealing with, let’s face it, kinda scary stuff sometimes.  When boundaries are clearly defined in scene negotiations, the people involved are able to let go and enjoy the play part of what they’re doing.  They’re able to find trust with their partners and play more freely knowing they’re safe within whatever was said out loud and agreed to.  This leaves people free to explore all the things they’d really like to do within those predefined limits.  I know people who are able to indulge in many “scary” kinks safely with their partners who are game to indulge them (and perhaps share these same kinks) because they have negotiated the finer points of what is and is not ok to happen in a scene, and they trust one another to adhere to those limits.  So, they are free to enjoy the physical sensations, psychological or emotional experiences, and connection in what might seem unconscionable conditions by an outsider who wonders where the limits might actually lie.  When negotiating a death play scene, being able to say things like “actual death is a hard limit”, and “I don’t want anything to happen to me that would land me in a hospital” are valid boundaries and great ideas to reinforce by saying out loud.  When negotiating a scene that doesn’t involve fetishizing death/dying/killing/torture, these words might seem obvious or overkill but they’re great reference points for playing out fantasies that actually address these scenarios directly.

Will no one help our Lady?

Will no one help our Lady?  Her strength fades fast…

So, what will you find on a Death Play forum?  You’ll find a lot of things:

  • People who think they are really messed up for having fantasies involving death or playing on the edge of death, and people looking for community, emotional support, and information concerning these things.
  • People speaking about their fantasies very eloquently, sometimes disturbingly realistically, and often without the disclaimer that “what I’m saying is a fantasy not an actual experience”.
  • Very open minded people who are able to talk about what turns them on, support and entertain what does it for others, and at the same time hold reason to light and remind everyone time to time that these are play-acting opportunities not realistic desires.
  • People who are into the play aspects of “killing”, “being killed”, or enacting “play necrophilia”.
  • People who are into kink skills that aren’t specific to death play, but in a way that applies to it such as:  breath play, knife play, extreme rough body play, rope for hanging…  The edges of play with these skills might be referred to differently within this context.
  • Talk about depression, suicide, coming at the moment of biting the bullet, and other romantic/macabre notions.
  • As in every forum there will be healthy, intelligent, sensible, fun and sexy people who approach their kink as safely and sanely as they can, and there are people who are unhealthy in their communication standards or questionable in their mental states, and there are all the players in between.  IT IS ALWAYS UP TO YOU TO USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND SAFETY PRACTICES when meeting someone, engaging in any way, or negotiating in risky behavior with a partner.  This subject is certainly not at all an exception to that rule.
A bitter end for the woman who had it all, and used her wealth unkindly...

A bitter end for the woman who had it all, and used her wealth unkindly…

My Experiences with Death Play:  I had a really fun time with this one (as you can see from the photos).  I personally have not had death fantasies, and I was surprised at how easily and un-creepily I felt about engaging in that roleplay.  The scenario I played with, and had photographed, was built off of one that I’d discussed with a friend who’s been into death play for a long time.  My friend’s interest lies in the beauty, romanticism, and fantasy of the death/dying story, and then sexually in object worship – that molesting a body of the loved/worshiped deceased can be an act transforming corpse into idol.

While the scenario itself was a GGG (Good, Game, Giving) kind of exploration, what I found definitely did appeal to me was this: I enjoyed coming up with a character and story that would please my friend, and I really enjoyed playing my part to the teeth and having fun with the scenario.  I enjoyed the objectification part of playing this role (objectification is something I already find to be a turn on).  The scenario I played out for the camera was one that allowed me to perform, look great, feel great, and one I could easily enjoy in the aftermath with photos.  If I had a sexual partner who was into death play I think having had this experience with the subject already, that negotiating specifics from other points of view could be fun.

Obviously, in this first exploration I selected a scenario that didn’t bother me, and I’m sure I could have been confronted with something that jibed much less with my comfort zone while entertaining someone else’s interest, but that’s why negotiation reigns supreme!

3 DSC_00290029Final Thoughts?  Take it step by step!  Talk to your partners about fantasies.  Some of them are things you’ll want to broach enacting, some are not.  Usually getting used to a new idea – especially one that isn’t shared by all parties – takes time, research, consideration, a little bit of energy, and imagination.  Know and advocate for your limits.

In my opinion, repression is what makes people crazy.  Talking about our feelings and trying to meet one another in safer informed places where we can entertain our differences healthily is not.  Negotiate on, my friends!  Find your fun, and love one another the best ways you can find.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin


PS.  The photographer who took the photos in this blog and I are putting together a couple posters or small booklet scenarios for purchase.  Write me if you’re interested in buying prints of any of the photographs above or seeing the other photo scenarios we captured.  I’ll let you know when we’re ready to go to print.  Fill out the form below or on the Contact page of this site.

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Age Verification: addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!