Survey Questions

I am a curious kitten, dear Public, always interested in how people think differently about various topics.  Maybe it’s the character actor in me, or the peacekeeper, maybe it’s just the way I’m wired – with an appreciation of people’s differences and desire to be exposed to new ideas…  In light of my kittenishness today I’ve decided I will throw some questions out TO YOU with the hope that responses will come back to me in surprising, ticklish, and challenging ways.

Either for yourself or for response (if you’re so inclined), I challenge you to take a moment to think about some of the answers you have to the questions below.  If you like, write them down and send your responses to me: or go to my Contact Page where you can fill out the comment form anonymously (or not – you choose).

Please take note:  Any content I receive that I think would be great to host on the blog will posted anonymous unless you specifically request it not to be and provide your credit information and links to include in the posting.  I look forward to hearing what  YOU think about the subject of kink, here goes!


Survey Questions!

I suggest picking three, and feel free to get in as much depth as you like:

  • Curious Kitten KarinAre you kinky?
  • Are you interested in kink?
  • Are you experienced in kink?
  • If you’re kinky, at what point did you come out to yourself as such and why?
  • What was your first exposure to kink?
  • Can you define what kink is to you?
  • Are kink and sex the same or different in your experience?
  • Is kink an activity or an identity?
  • What is your favorite kink?
  • Do you have family members who are kinky?
  • What is the line between “vanilla” and “kink” to you?
  • What questions do you have about kink?

I look forward to hearing your answers!

To Breath and Being
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

It Takes a Village to Write a Kink Blog

Myself, Belle Gunz, and Lilith Beest. Photo by Michael Terracciano

Community is messy, but oh so much fun!

And here we finally are!  Thank you to everyone who has supported me in the realization of this blog over the past few months.  From liking what I’m writing on the Facebook page, to speaking with me face to face about your thoughts, to offering to write with me, play with me, show me the ropes (and violet wands, and duct tape), to being inspiration and having open conversations and questions, and even teaching me about computers…  Without all of you (and more of you to come, I hope), I would not be able to face the days where I feel everything I am doing is for naught.  Thank you, one million times, thank you.  And with that, we begin!


My Monday Blog Brain is on the subject of community…

What’s Kinky about community you might ask? What ISN’T, I retort!  It takes a lot of people to make any one idea come to fruition.  We bumble about in our insular cells by day, thinking our own thoughts, using our own tools, making meaning in our own ways, but this is an illusion.  It is the story our culture tells us to make us feel important and determined and to get us to work harder and longer and for the monies to chase the “right dream”…  But what of the dreams we dream at night?  The ones that make us feel powerful and beautiful and turned on in our own right?  Shouldn’t life be filled with an ongoing journey to attain these dreams too?

DSC_01980192So, we let people enter, and little by little we find our communities and our lives.

The people you surround yourself with might be from work or from a hobby group, they might be from school or an online chat room.  You might have seen one another daily for years before venturing to say hello, or you might have been thrown into a kissing scene in the first class of that improv workshop you took.  Some of these people grew up with you, some of them share your DNA, you might have been married to one or two of them, some of them you’ve only met because they write books you’ve read, and others are distant memories you carry with you…  Regardless of who they are, a percentage of these people are here to stay.  Many of them will be bright points of inspiration that pass through your life and make you smile (or grimace) for a period of time before disappearing or fading away.  A percentage of these people will die before you do, and you’ll have feelings about it.  Many of these people, in one way or another, will have made you think.

DSC_03050299These other beings folding onto the path of your life’s journey will kick up dust you hadn’t noticed.  They’ll challenge you to look at a map in a new way.  They’ll tell you about places you haven’t yet been – places you’ve dreamed about but never knew how to get to…  These people will help you find your way.  These people, the ones who make impact, are your existential clan.  They are the materials you grow out of, the inspiration for making your dreams come true, the light in the beginning of every story that is worth telling.  And for every person in your community who has fed your growth over time, you are a stronger inspiration for it, and in turn a brighter light to the world of people who look.

Kink, my friends, is nothing more than one of the journeys some of us explore in our lives.  We each would be lost along our path without the others also pilgrimaging to that universe of new sensations, found libidos, and mind-blowing adventures in a place many find to be exceptional, foolhardy, or daring to approach…  There is no feather too soft and no bullwhip too ferocious that a member of this community cannot tell a story worth the listening about how an experience changed their life, or brought enlightenment to the body, mind, emotions, or spirituality of the one daring to meet it.

You are all a part of my journey, and I hope my experiences might light yours for the better on our path alongside one another for a stretch.  You being here lights mine.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

Photo Credits: UnAmerika’s Sweetheart Karin Webb, Belle Gunz, and Lilith Beest.  Photos by Michael Terracciano.

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

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