Stand in Awe

by Creature Karin Webb

Stand in awe.
Not so that you can feed off
The misery of an inferiority complex or
Nurse the wounds of your
Slighted reality for
All of time eternal,
Stand in awe because
Awe inspires one to do better.
To grow
To learn
To love more deeply
Than ever could have been conceived of prior.

Stand in awe of women, in all their shapes and forms
Stand in awe of darker skin
Indigenous Nations
Experience of color, ethnicity
You can not comprehend
Stand in awe of LGB
T, queer, intersex, questioning, kinky
Non-normative, authentic
Claimer’s of personal truth:
Their hearts are lighthouse
For your freedom too.

Stand in awe of people with disabilities, visible and unseen
Stand in awe of foreigners, immigrants
Navigating new tongues and streets
Stand in awe of poor and homeless humans too
Stand in awe of sex workers—controlling body and their grind
Stand in awe of people who survive
Each story a whisper
To overcome.

These holy strangers are
Street sweepers and
Caretakers of the mud
We call home.

They raise fists and host a party
Because never to dance
Is Death studied—
Life was meant for wonder
Hearts heal
Bodies resilient
Minds unimpeachable
At finding enough meaning to continue…

They show us how to love deeply
With lesser reserve
And when we listen
To their voices
We matter increasingly
Than at any moment prior
We matter more
Engaged in the fabric
Of interconnectivity
Seeking to understand another sibling.

We matter more
Embracing Love in our listening
Releasing misjudgment, suspicion, fear, pejorativity.

Earth spins on an axis,
Hurdling through space
Victim of momentum and tension
Gravity and fate.
We exist
Between breath and Death
On our own axes too
Turned, curbed
To the corners by
Socialization, privilege, wealth
Yet tempered undeniably
With the significant gravity
Of choice.

It is Law that we grow
How tall
Left to action and etiquette
So be curious
Stand in awe
Of this life
Built by others
Including details
Such as you.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

This writing takes time, research, and consideration. It is my art.
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