Photo by Eric Widor

Photo by Eric Widor

Lately I have been reading a lot of crazy on the internet.  People I know have been loudly rejecting the word ‘feminism’ in some kind of throwback haze of ignorance, a friend recently assured her community she was safely and surely over her ill-advised ‘bisexual phase’ (garnering snarky mean girls type welcomes back to the lesbian fold), I was subjected to a video which explained (through the use of a graph) precisely what relationships certain women were good for based on their ‘hotness’ vs. ‘crazy’ factors – which was not only extremely sexist, heterosexist, and demeaning in its offense, but managed to get some good trans-bashing in there as well.  This was my week reading social media…  So, in the midst of all that bullshit I’ve decided to ABC-up a few of the kink and sex positive activists, artists, sexologists, porn stars, erotica writers, and general divas who have come before me who I find inspiring and who give me strength in time of “whaaaa????”  I hope you find wonder in their voices too.

Midori:  Midori is an inspiration on so many levels.  I first came across her when I was working at a sexuality boutique owned and run by women called “Grand Opening!” a little over a decade ago.  I have had the pleasure of taking a few classes by this woman, and I recommend always showing up for her classes, workshops, lectures, demonstrations, etc. when she’s around.  She is an amazing performance artist, writer, kinkster, and teacher of the sexy arts.  She has opened my mind in so many many ways to kink, D/s, how to get what you want, and even how know what that is.  Midori in action not only defines the trope “hot for teacher”, but makes her students so so much better for showing up.  You can find more about Midori here as well.

Annie Sprinkle:  I have a postcard that I carry around of Annie Sprinkle and post on my workshop wall.  She reminds me to be true to my beliefs and outspoken in my art.  My first run in with this Goddess was by watching videos of her early career in porn and a documentary about her performance art work.  I had never seen someone so determined to be free sexually and true to herself as an artist.  She has been a sex worker, activist, and performance artist in so many ways over the length of her career, and still manages to push boundaries and work to awaken the vital energy of nature and sexuality in her followers.  She is, put simply, a force.  I am a better and happier person for knowing about her.

Carol Queen:  The book “The Leather Daddy and the Femme” was the first erotic novel I read that not only turned me on but let me know that the things that do it for me are not only mine.  I generally do not read or enjoy erotica, but that book makes me wild.  I’ve had the pleasure of taking classes from Carol Queen and watching her on film.  She is a fierce advocate of queer sexuality and open sexual realities, bisexuality, kink, playfulness, and just being great at what you do with whomever you’re doing it with.  I laud Carol for her balance of education and sexy.  She makes the sex geek in me hope to grow up and be just like her.

Betty Dodson:  I was a late bloomer in the masturbation and orgasm realms.  At the age of 20, I found Betty Dodson’s book “Sex for One”, bought a vibrator, and figured out how to go about finding my orgasm.  I have never turned back, and I am thankful for the help not only in technique, but in the comfort of her writing’s reassurance that my (what I thought of as) “brokeness” was not in fact that at all, and that I was definitely not alone in my struggles.  The ideas that you could meet up with a group of women and explore your bodies, and that looking at and touching yourself was a base line to empowerment were inspirations that have allowed me to teach what I know to others as well.  Betty is a fountain of information, advice, and perspective.  I am grateful that her voice carried all the way to my little ears when I was ready to listen.

Deborah Sundahl:  This is the woman who taught me to ejaculate!  My partner at the time and I came across a video (the first video on the subject) called “How to Female Ejaculate” and the book “Female Ejaculation and the G-spot” when it first came out.  We decided to give it a go!  The first time I ejaculated I left a wet spot on the bed about three feet in diameter through two comforters.  We were so excited about it at the time that we told my mother when she came home later that afternoon, and her response was “My child!” followed with a fist pump…  Sufficed to say this was a wonderful reminder that even though I was discovering parts of my sexuality right then and there, there was a history of women who have literally come before me that I could talk to and share my experiences with.  I encourage you to get the book if you’re interested in the subject and check out Deborah’s website.  Her dedication to teaching and encouraging the multi-purpose functionality of the female sex organs is inspiring.

There are a lot of other people who have helped me in my journey, and I know there will be many more.  These are some of the pillars I’ve stood on to get to where I am now, and I am thankful.  Happy link-clicking; I hope some of it leads to new experiences and successful new playtimes…  Who are the people who have inspired you to learn, explore, invent, try, have confidence, or be curious about your sexuality over the years in your own evolution?

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor: Do you have a story or perspective to share about kink or would you like to promote a kinky event? Email Karin directly at: Karin @ ABCsOfKink . com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site. Don’t know what to write about? Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently. Happy writing, and thanks!

Introducing: The Sextacular Show

1962739_1422498761361405_6317541674088743973_nThe Sextacular Show is the brainchild of Chris Connolly, a friend of mine who has brought together an entire community of creative sex-positive thinkers in the Boston area to make it happen.  I sit behind the scenes, hoping to make a meeting when I’m in town or suggesting people who ARE in town to hit up for collaborative genius, and wish I could be more involved.  Please do get in touch with them through their facebook page if you want to learn more or participate in some way yourself:

The Sextacular Show:  A show that provides performers and audiences of all walks of life a place for consensual, sex positive, and raucous self expression.

Sounds fun, no?!  I am writing about them today because they have an amazing opportunity to present their project in front of a grant-funding audience called “Feastmass” this Sunday (Father’s Day).  If you can make it, please go and support them – your participation matters!  Below are the details, and if you do attend, for a mere $15 suggested donation you get a wonderful dinner, proposals from sublimely interesting people, and a feeling that just by showing up you’re a part of something in the Boston area that has great meaning not only to the people attending, but the people participating, and the people those projects eventually reach.  Win win win in my book, so I vote getting your ticket TODAY!:

FeastMass is:

a recurring dinner party in Boston. During the night, people present proposals for creative, community-engaged projects that need funding. Everyone votes, and the winner receives a grant funded entirely from the night’s ticket sales.

You must reserve your spot by emailing Feast, there are 100 spots available and they fill up fast.  To join shoot an email to feastmass@gmail.com with your name and the number of guests you’re bringing.  They will collect a suggested donation of $15 in cash at the door.  The Sextacular Show will be at the Feast this Sunday, June 15th, at 6:30pm at 549 Columbus Ave (https://www.facebook.com/549Columbus). I hope some of you can make it there!

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Do you have a story or perspective to share about kink or would you like to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin @ ABCsOfKink . com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!


I want you to cut me.  Not with a big heavy broad chef’s knife, or the dagger looking so beautiful and mean, but the small thin, delicate one.  The one that separates clouds from the sky, kittens from their window perches, and little girls holding flowers from the meadow behind,  I want the knife that can free anything at all from it’s steadily monotonizing environment, allowing new context in our rearrangement.


Photo by David Aquilina

If you trace lines along the sides of my body that will fit perfectly in a cage, I am yours forever skulking around between these bars.  Should you shape me into a flying monkey’s form, I’ll fetch your broom and wait silent for your next move.  If I’m to be a battleground, I wait for soldiers to nestle themselves into my curves at night and dream of safety blanketed by my scent.  And if I am me, walking on the ocean’s surface toward the dawn, I’ll feel your hands and warm breath at my back.

I want you to cut me.  Shape me into pieces and scenes that are surprising and delight.  I’ll be your monster, your favorite shirt, your washer woman, your mechanic, your blanket, your paper, and your pet.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Age Verification: www.ABCsOfKink.com addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to www.scarleteen.com — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!