Teasecraft Boston

A typical electrical vibrator. Image by Craxd1

A typical electrical vibrator. Image by Craxd1

I’ve mentioned teasecraft before, and have just gotten word that it will be back on the 17th at Arisia!  Below is the announcement; the guest speaker, Lord Percival, is a great teacher and community member.  I hope some of you out there make your way to the event and find out it’s not just your thing, but you write me about your discoveries!  (Karin@ABCsOfKink.com)

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin


This month, teasecraft-boston is coming to Arisia! Our next meetup on Friday, January 17, from 8:30-10:30pm at Arisia (Board Room 3W), will feature Lord Percival and his top tips for getting down with your kinky maker self!

Lord Percival will start with safety info — since these DIY projects are intended for use on (or in) people, it’s important to think carefully about safety. Then it’s time to talk about inspiration, imagination, and how to get your creative juices (and other juices) flowing. You’ll leave this meetup ready to dive into your own kinky DIY projects, old or new!

If you’ve got a project you’d like to share, or an idea that you’d like some feedback on, please bring it! Not working on a project right now? No worries! Come out and get inspired.

About the presenter:

Lord Percival (Percy to most) has been active in the scene both in private and in public for four decades, and been teaching, lecturing, mentoring, and training others for a quarter century. He’s been involved and associated with many New England Leather Alliance (NELA) events for a large number of years, from volunteering here and there, to giving classes, and serving as Program and Education Director for several years. As someone who finds amongst his first joyful memories taking apart a vacuum cleaner, Lord Percival loves tinkering with things and finding the most amazing toys within everything he touches.

About teasecraft-boston:

Teasecraft is a meetup group for folks interested in making their own sex toys / BDSM equipment / other kinky and fun things. All people 18+ are welcome, regardless of your (a)sexuality/orientation/gender/race or what materials you work with (electronics, wood, metal, leather, software, etc). We want to facilitate face-to-face conversation because it’s such a great medium for showing off projects, sharing stories, and meeting new collaborators.

What to bring:

For more news, updates, and conversations, join the Teasecraft email list: http://groups.google.com/group/teasecraft-boston


If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or have a kink event you’d like to promote?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Kinky Resolve

Happy New Years Kinksters!!!

ABC Screenshot Crop

You can do it! Just think it up first…

Today is the first day of a new year.  All the possibilities exist that always exist, but today they seem like shiny new coins.  So I propose harnessing (ha) that energy and thinking forward about what you would like to do in 2014…  what twisted, kinky, loving, brutal, curious, exciting, edgy, sexy, bucket-list type activities are on your radar for the new year?

If you haven’t already, get a ticket to Dark Odyessey’s Winter Fire, Bound in Boston, NELA’s Winter Fleamarket, or any of the other wonderful cons and events in your area, and commit to learning a thing or two about a thing or two that you’d like to learn.

Keep reading your ABCs, and please do send me your thoughts and ideas!  I’d love to hear what you have to say on the subject – all the things.

To growing ever more confident and getting to have great adult fun in the process,

To Breath and Being
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to share your Kinky New Years Resolutions?  Email Karin directly at: Karin@ABCsOfKink.com or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Survey Questions Answered #2

A few weeks ago I posted a bunch of survey questions, check out the entry and write me with your own answers to any of them in the form below.  Following is one of my reader’s thoughts on the subject.

What’s your story?  What would you share from your thoughts, experiences, or POV on kink?  Does what’s written below strike a chord for you?  Are your experiences similar or wildly different?

A huge thanks to this week’s contributor.  Contact me to add your voice to the discussion, I look forward to hearing from more of you.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin


Can you define what kink is to you?

photo_12aCropKink. hmmmm. This is a big one. Anybody with a sex drive has a kink. Kink is a game of connection, sensation and hierarchy.  When you give your horny a form, thats kink. And it goes both ways – kink will give your pinkest parts a form. It’s that gift which fits perfectly in your mind. If you let it.

Within kink there is often a sharp question: “Can you play like this with your entire self?” (followed by a state of shock)…

Kink is often associated with a troubled feeling of ick and/or belligerent danger. The associations you make depend on your level of experience, your creative skills and the sex culture that you have been steeped in and are working to build.


If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story to share about your kink?  Fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Age Verification: www.ABCsOfKink.com addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to www.scarleteen.com — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!