DIY with the DR.

X-Ray Circuit Board retouched by Emdee

X-Ray Circuit Board retouched by Emdee

I came across this webpage in my adventures online relatively recently, and thought I should share it, curious readers:  X. Treme Orgasmatronics Inc. presents “The HackOff”.

What this is, for those who would rather read my writing than follow a link, is a circuit board that allows you to hack into most vibrators and program them to do various different actions that they don’t already do.  Things like pulse at various speeds or in different patterns.  Very exciting stuff for those like me who enjoy knowing all the things all the time and getting more involved in sex geekery.

It’s pretty cheap, just $19.99; you do need a few basic tools, a computer, a compatible toy…, the full list can be found alongside a great video that shows you how to do it all step by step.

This company and the people behind it are really fun.  I enjoyed romping through the website and with a tag line like “Less Pants, More Science”, how can you possibly go wrong?

Let me know what you think; I hope today’s perspective on kink has brought new blush to the creative corner of your sexy minds…

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Leather Pride Flag atop the San Francisco Armory

Leather Pride Flag atop the San Francisco Armory

This week in our perspectives blog, I am asking for people to write me with their coming out kinky stories.  Having come out in my lifetime a few different times for various reasons, I know firsthand how these stories can be fascinating, moving, inspirational, educational, and transformative to the listener.  Please consider throwing your voice into the mix of people who write about their experiences.  Your perspective is uniquely yours and valuable in the world of understanding our human sexuality more intimately.

Whether you barely remember what it was like to not identify as kinky, or you still are trying to figure out if you’re kinky enough to claim anything out loud, or you’re part of all the variations in between, I want to hear your voice!

Email me at: and you can share your story anonymously or credited as you wish.  I am the only one who sees the email that I receive, and I’ll ask your permission and preferences before publishing.  You can also fill out the form at the end of the page, and it’ll go to the same place.

BDSM Rights Flag

BDSM Rights Flag

I look forward to learning more about the diversity of our readership, about the journeys each of you is on, and about what’s possible in the world of meaning making.  I thank you sincerely in advance!

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin

If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.


Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!

Walking a Scary Line

 I was written recently by a reader of ABCs with some beautiful words that I’d like to share in today’s perspectives…  not only were this reader’s words very encouraging to me, I found the sentiment beautiful and spun in a way I hadn’t thought of.

So to you writer, I say thank you.  Thank you for your encouragement of my writing, and thank you for sharing your ideas, your feelings, your connection, and your own journey through this wonderful and scary world with me.

To Breath and Being,
~ Karin



Your post about hoods moved me.

Your account of your first experience with a hood, of going from being in fully-reactive mode to… wanting to reach out and touch… was very moving. It reminded me of my experiences of intimacy and helped me see a yearning for more such exploration.

I also share your (or your previous) aversion to hoods in general. It helped me to start facing some more areas of my psychology where I still harbor some deep fear and insecurities when it comes to kinky play.

In fact, I’m pretty sure I put off reading that post for several days because I was afraid of the feelings it might evoke in me. Yet I started to explore this in the past year with some very unusual accessories I bought… not sure if I’d use them, but quite literally trying them on to see how I’d feel. So I’m very glad I finally read the post tonight.

You wield great power in your ability and willingness to really show yourself, vulnerability and all, in your writing (not to mention your performances as well!). Seeing you through your posts helps me see myself, too. Thank you for writing.

~ A Reader


If you like my blog, please check out my Patreon Page and consider supporting me, or just click here: Support the Artist

~Thank you.

Be an ABCs contributor:  Have a story or perspective to share about kink or want to promote a kinky event?  Email Karin directly at: or fill out the as-anonymous-as-you-want-it-to-be feedback form below and you could see your writing published as a part of Wednesday’s “Perspectives on Kink: Conversations with the Community” blog on this site.  Don’t know what to write about?  Consider answering some of the Survey Questions I posted recently.  Happy writing, and thanks!
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