
I’ve been pondering why I have the experience of being kind of terrified when people approach me romantically. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. I feel like a deer in headlights, and the result is usually me shying away slowly in some way, creating distance and more space between myself and the person sharing their feelings. That, or I pause in the moment and have to pragmatically talk myself into trying a new experience, meeting that person romantically in the way they’re asking. This is not conducive to building much, nor is it helpful when I also enjoy the person I’m spending time with (and perhaps also feel romantically toward). It takes a lot of time for me to know how to comfortably act on sexual queries with the vast majority of people. The conclusion I’ve come to about this is that the expectations which come with a desire for romance, as I’ve experienced many times in the past, often don’t make any sense to me. I fear the consequences of giving in to things that could just feel good.

In past relationships I’ve usually followed my partner’s lead in things. I practice asking for what I want when I feel like it’s getting stepped on. I prioritizing talking out the aspects of our relationship that aren’t meshing for me so those feelings won’t build up and eventually (inappropriately) explode over everything. Invariably, one day down the road of relating, the person I’ve been seeing says, “the rules have changed, this is how things are now…”. Usually they’ve cheated on me sexually or emotionally, or have been lying to me about any number of things. There’s often been little to no warning that our relationship is now over, no processing done between us leading up to this announcement, no admittance that something shifted for them at some point, or that they’ve been unhappy and not appropriately addressing it, or that their desire for something new or different took up residence behind the scenes without them keeping me in the loop. I simply get the announcement that things are different now. This scenario has played out multiple times in my life. I’ve learned not to trust people when they say they want me. I’ve learned to trust that a person who wants me doesn’t necessarily want me in the ways I want to be wanted.

I’m left feeling as though I’ve catered to desires and interests I shouldn’t have. I’ve catered to incorrect information and trusted people who are untrustworthy. I’ve been left feeling as though my relationship style of moving slowly and letting things develop over time and trying to be as “yes, and” as I can be with the people I care for is the wrong way to do things. But I like that way of loving.

I’m left wondering if I should be brutal, if I shouldn’t repress or minimize my desires when I have the sense my partner won’t like what I want or have to say, or that I shouldn’t try to process conflicts when they come up. It feels as though to get ahead in relationship I’m supposed to cheerfully run madly into the middle of chaos, caring about only the torch I hold, in order for my own needs to be met. If I’m called out for bad behavior I should double down and find people who will simply never question me… My impression looking around at how people treat one another (and how I’ve been treated), is that I shouldn’t care about how others suffer due to my actions, that my relationships should be about me solely, and that I shouldn’t have to fight for things to get better. I should favor abandoning ship the moment things are sticky, over fighting for evolution and deeper understanding. I should keep things light and easy, ignoring the stability of those around me in favor of getting my way. Finding middle ground and trying new things is for losers. I shouldn’t care for others at all in order to successfully build a long standing relationship. I should be more petty, I should cheat. I should be a person capable of intentionally hurting others in order not to have to deal with my own hardships…

But I don’t want to be in a relationship like that. I don’t want to act those ways.

In that moment of declaration that “everything has changed”, I’ve been left to swallow the lies and half-truths I’ve been fed, along with the illusions I had about where we were going and what we were building. Time over time I’ve accepted this brutality, packed up, and gone away. I know how to find what I need to survive. I’m tired of surviving.

Reasonably, I’ll be angry for a time. Depressed. I will question my place as someone worthy of love. I’ll beat myself up for being too difficult, too hyper-vigilant, too needy when it comes to processing… too… anything and everything. Not enough. Too much.

I’ve been through it before, and I’m stronger than the story of someone’s desire to use me as they see fit. I don’t fall out of love, because that’s not the way my heart works, but in short time I’ll be glad we’re apart and I won’t desire reentering the sphere of that person’s limitations and lies. It isn’t healthy for me.

Yet, sometimes I just want to be in love. I want people in my life who adore and prioritize me. I want people who understand the language of processing and who are willing to sort through triggers and fears to come clean with me and make things better when they’re difficult. I want people in my life who care for my heart the way I want it to be cared for. I ache for true openness over half lies and cheating. I know that lies come from the limitations of another person, but that doesn’t stop them from deeply affecting me. Us. The investment of loving. Hurting what we have—or could. Hurting the choices I make for myself in consideration of where I think we’re heading.

I’m not a perfect being. I have lots of sexual baggage and people often make me tired. I need a vast amount of space or I get irritated easily. I need people to be on time and communicate expectations clearly. I want regular buddies for dates and cuddles and fucking and dreaming, and those people are not one person. I want to be loved for the wild feral critter that I am, instead of expected to act as others desire me to be, or be tamed. I want to celebrate fuck-ups with supportive conversations, understanding head nods, the consolation prize of vegan ice cream, and holding onto one another because we’re human and expectations are ghosts, not real things. I want to set new expectations. Together. I want to evolve with one another, and have shared heartbreak when we part ways, and for things to be truly amicable. I want to adventure, to wrestle with what sucks, and re-boot the things that make us love one another when needed—keep at the puzzle of our overlapping lives when we don’t know every answer. I want kink and perversity and depravity and sweetness so subtle it brings one to their knees with tears and a grateful heart. I want kindness.

I want kindness most of all—not the cowardly anti-kindnesses people pretend they’re enacting when they make omissions of truth to protect an image over reality. I want the kindness of brutal honestly, articulated emotional intelligence, and acknowledgment of real life’s rough complexity. I want the kindness of a tongue not afraid to speak its truth in the moment, and the kindness of thoughtfulness soothing the creases of our wadded up relationship in order to make space for adjustment. I want the kindness of agreeing and following through, or of working on new expectations when it’s clear that the path we’ve been on no longer serves.

I am not in anyone else’s head but my own, just as no one else is in mine. There will never be room in my heart for passive aggression, or meanness marked by a smile-buttoned lip pasted over malicious actions and sideways-shooting coping mechanisms. I work to understand and accept the person I care for who struggles with these things, as long as they also work to include me in the life we’re supposedly building. I want partners who will be upfront with me before they hit boiling point and everything is ruined.

You may be wondering, “what sparks this outpouring”? The answer is: I’ve been considering asking for romantic love again… after a number of years, I’m dating.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

My writing takes time, research, and consideration: it is my art.
Please help me continue by joining my Patreon campaign, Donating, or booking a professional or educational Session with me. Thank you!


Headshot of Creature Karin Webb. Pierced septum and medusa, glasses on top of forehead. Medium length light brown hair, light chin hairs, faint sparse mustache, blue eyes.

Trust is such an important and slippery subject. It is at the root of many of our wins and losses, our ability to achieve, and our patterns of falling short… Trust is a thing that comes as natural as breath, or can be so hard to win over, sometimes it never settles in at all. Growth can bring trust, and experiences can take trust away. Sometimes we cannot even trust our own selves—our instinct, choices, or desires. Those we’re taught to trust without question prove time and time again to be untrustworthy—family members, church officials, politicians… What is trust? How do we generate it and where does it come from? How do we lose it and what methods help bring it back to us?

Growing up I remember trusting unless I was explicitly told not to. Adults knew things and could keep me safe crossing the street—but adults in vans with candy were not to be trusted. I remember wondering about the old man who would watch me and my sibling play in the park, offering us quarters for walking the balancing beam… was he to be trusted?

Of course my parents were trustworthy, but what about the time I was told I had to wear a shirt when I was outside gardening in the sun? I was told this by a shirtless father.

Where lies the balance of trust vs. misplaced trust? When an intimate friend is in the midst of a chaotic time of life and not communicating their needs well, this can lead to hurtful experiences and misaligned expectations. Do you trust that person still? For how long? In what ways? In what ways do you not? Are these things forever to influence the relationship?

Is the concept of trust simply a reflection of the trust we have in ourselves? I don’t think so, because to survive we need other people. To trust can be less of a choice in some instances than it might be a mandatory working state… though, is that truly trust?

Do we trust arguments more than make-ups? If we find this is so, is it possible to be involved long-term with a person you fight with or experience semi-regular conflict with? What is the ratio of balance for what amount of conflict robs us of our trust in partnership vs. feeling grounded with another person and easily capable of trusting them?

Do we trust the worst of people before we hope for the best from them? Do we trust the fantasy of a person over a proven reality which might be less sexy to define?

Is there a relation between one’s ability to trust and one’s potential for handling disappointment? Is this correlation simply illustrative of not managing expectations well? Are we influenced by both?

When we feel we can trust a person immediately, is that really trust or is it something else? What role do hormones, pheromones, interpersonal chemistry, and observation of recognizable behaviors play in developing and maintaining trust in others?

Can you learn to trust the way you can learn to read a book?

Is trust even trust? Might “trust” be the ability to see a number of options concerning future probabilities and be able to accept enough possibilities that it’s easy to stick to some sort of understood plan or brace gracefully against the inevitable?

Perhaps trust actually looks like “knowing” or “acceptance”, and has more to do with the depth of information we gather regarding our own selves and reactions to situations than it has to do with what others effectively play out around us?

Which sense in our own bodies do we most favorably trust?

Is trust one definable thing or is it more like a mood? Maybe trust is represented as multitudes of mediums we dance through in various ways as we encounter situations, beings, and things?

Is trust a story we tell ourselves to sleep at night? Is trust a spirituality we can be fanatic and agnostic about? Is trust mathematical? Chaotic? Teachable? Conscious or subconscious? Destiny?

Is trust a sword with which we carve out the shape of a life? If so, what skills and practices do we gather concerning trust?

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

My writing takes time, research, and consideration: it is my art.
Please help me continue by joining my Patreon campaign, Donating, or booking a professional or educational Session with me. Thank you!

Unlearning Love

I have been working on my heart lately. My sister, the acupuncturist, would say that I’m working on my pericardium. Looking into Doaist Chinese Medicine, I can’t say that I disagree with their perspective on the subject. I adore learning new systems and languages.

As someone who works with herbs in a folk manner here in the United States, it’s fascinating to talk with my sister about Chinese herbs and how they’re used, or considered for support of various systems of health. We use many of the same or similar herbs, often prepared differently, and certainly thought of through different pathways of understanding. Understanding the connections people make—personally and culturally—expands my ability to see how connections work at all, and to make even newer connections as I walk through life. I value this highly, and it’s only served to help me communicate with others and listen better.

My cat, Tamlin, is in the hospital today getting oral surgery. She’s almost 18. I’ve had her since she was 3 months old. This is the longest relationship I’ve been in by far outside of family. She’s saved my life more times than I can count. I don’t know what I’ll do without her when the day comes… She anchors me to the reality of what love is, and to the responsibility of loving. What I could do to myself in times of crisis and depression, I have never been able to abandon her to.

Emotions have felt like excruciating pain in my body for as long as I can remember having feelings. Completely overwhelming. I’ve been called a crybaby since childhood for good reason. When I feel the pressure of sadness, anger, fear, shame, etc. build in my body I don’t know how to not break down and cry. Emotion often feels like intense helplessness to me, and the only cure is time and space and an option to speak calmly and be connected with gently. Even still, if I’ve suffered an anger-filled emotional argument it can take a few days to recover and feel safe in my body again or steady in my brain.

Testosterone has helped modify this for me, and I’m incredibly grateful for that. It feels good to have more control over my body when I’m in an intensely emotional state. I absolutely consider this hormone to be a privilege in multitudes of ways (acknowledging that what it helps “fix” for my particular chemical [im]balances are a personal reality). Still, it’s amazing to be able to stay present and see what’s happening from a slightly less viscerally overwhelmed place when I’m triggered these days, rather than feel blinded by being pinned down by emotion, like a bug to a scientist’s board.

I was away at the end of December for a week visiting family (chosen and related). Spending time in New Orleans with my chosen family asked that I start resolving the thing inside me which is afraid of loving deeply. The most natural thing in the world for me is to love. I am in love with loving and have been since forever. I’m still the little kid laying for hours in a field watching spiders do what spiders do, and talking to grasshoppers and trees. I want life to be like that today. Acknowledgement and joy. Cherishing and being in wonder of life for what it is, not what I imagine it should be.

Sometimes I think this world’s commitment to desiring change over an acceptance of reality is the most painful trauma we are socialized to internalize. We believe there is a right and a wrong and that bodies should behave in a certain set of ways. We know this isn’t what the world is made of though, and so we judge instead of endeavor to more accurately translate. Imagine what things could be like if we learned more languages…

There is healing in acceptance, in seeing, and in understanding. When we imagine what life or other people “should be”, and then act out accordingly, we can rather deeply wound things. When we act out of fear, as though that story of fear is the truth for all, we can dampen the electricity between us. Of course there is no end to misunderstandings—and we can learn from mistakes or acting in ways which don’t serve the world around us. But I also ask, where are the wide open spaces? Where are the stars and our dreams? Where is acknowledgement of the palpable connection that can be felt between all bodies? Where are our desires to make love with one another and the Earth, and all sentient beings we share the planet and our most basic atoms and molecules with? I need the ocean and trees to be ok in my own body. I think to some degree we all need nature to remind us how to be ok.

I hope 2020 is full of endeavors to connect or create space, rather than push through. I hope for more peace in our own bodies, granting more space and peace to the bodies around us. Life is a series of choices and change. We are each made of molecules based of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. We recognize one another at an atomic level, and have the ability to know things which are not right before our eyes—even when we cease remembering to listen. We can always start remembering again though. One gift we share in life, is an ability to breathe.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

My writing takes time, research, and consideration: it is my art.
Please help me continue by joining my Patreon campaign, Donating, or booking a professional or educational Session with me. Thank you!

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