Photo from an interactive installation I created at Kayafas Gallery in Boston. Photo by RADskillZ Photography 2013
I love the game Truth or Dare! I find it fascinating to observe what people do and don’t have a hard time trying out, sharing with others, negotiating to change, or taking a pass on… Obviously there are people who play who are more cutthroat and less generous with their playmates (who are no fun and potentially unsafe), and there are people who aren’t interested in pushing their boundaries for a game or are specifically uncomfortable around others participating (people whose internal selves are saying: I probably should not play), but when you do find that magical combination of people who are creative, have healthy boundaries, are good at advocating for themselves, and have a fun sense of adventure together, it’s just plain ‘ol wonderful chemistry and fun!
I have always been a game player, a game maker-upper, and a game tailor. I was the oldest kid in my family and so was looked to for something to do, and it didn’t hurt that I liked making things up, running around, and being bossy. Having an active imagination, I would spend a lot of time making up adventure fantasies for whomever was around to play, I would plan out ridiculous physical stunts for us to pull off, or I’d imagine new versions of already tried and true games in an effort to spice up the afternoon — obviously I grew up with a yard and not much media around.
The years did not make me less apt to play with friends though, and as I’ve gotten older so have the parental advisory labels on my reindeer games. It’s been wonderful to find like creatures in the years since high school — those mischievous bright eyed imps who also get off on experimenting with social situations, creating safe places to do the unusual, and negotiating the inspired and the odd in rooms full of the willing! I have so many good playmates spread over the country at this point, that it is impossible not to want to tour almost continually just in an effort to expose myself to my friends’ brilliantly twisted minds. One of the more recent moments I got up to some-such silliness, myself and another twinkle-eyed imp were found three-legged racing buck naked in clown shoes through a ginormous party… (this was like last week, practically.)
Once I recreated my bedroom in a gallery, and laid on my bed for hours in a building full of people milling around looking at art. I displayed a sign saying “What do you want? Just Ask.” and was wearing the slip and sweater I usually wear around the house while I’m working. It led to some really interesting conversations and interactions with people. It also led to a lot of side-eye and nervousness from gallery patrons. A few people would watch, and then leave, and then come back… over and over until they would finally come up and ask me what the piece was about. It was too hard for them to decide a thing they wanted, and just simply ask for it. Anything at all. To hard to find out by trying. There were really fun people who played too. A couple who asked to get in bed with me, people who wanted to cuddle as we got to know each other, some people wanted to read my books and go through my drawers… I loved that piece, I’d love to do it again… Someone hire me to do it again!
Anyhow, present day! As I was crossing the country recently, sitting in my car for hours on end speaking with no one (oh boy), I had the idea to create an online version of Truth or Dare through ABCs Of Kink. This is that blog explaining it all and inviting you to play. Hopefully it’ll be a thing that entertains you, keeps inspiring me to write, and becomes a fun back and forth…
- You decide: Truth, or Dare
- Fill out the form below to create a Game Card
- After reviewing the Game Cards I’ve received, I’ll choose one, complete it, and blog!
- Fill out as many Game Cards as you like, and I’ll write Truth or Dare articles periodically for as long as you’re inspiring me to play…
Have fun dreaming up Game Cards, Dear Readers! I do hope you’ll be a shiny-eyed adult imp with me, courageous enough to ask for what you want.
Play On,
~ Karin
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~Thank you.
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