Terrain of Change

So far this week I feel like I’m winning at being the femmeboy creature I am. I attended a “Drag Brunch” on Sunday. It was fun, and inspired me to spend some time playing with makeup that day. It’s been a while, and I forget I enjoy playing in “painting your face” mediums of expression. Usually when I crack open my make-up kit I’m creating a face for a character, and I don’t think to just play on my own making pretty or interesting things happen on this Creature/Karin-shaped canvas day to day.

This week my chin hairs have been sprouting more fully and my mustache has been darkening. I was a day late taking my shot this past T cycle. It seems as though when I wait longer between shots or take a slightly lower dose than usual my hair sprouts a little more aggressively. Counter intuitive it seems, doesn’t it?

This (less surprisingly) is an inverse of what happens to my clitoris. The higher the dose of Testosterone I take the more my clit grows, gets hard throughout my cycle, seems present on my body throughout the day, and my average daily desire for sexual intercourse seems to go up.

Interestingly, on slightly lower doses of T my desire for BDSM or creative sensual connection seems more present than specifically sexual desire (as in intercourse).

I wonder if I’m the only one like this, if I’m an outlier for noticing things to this level of specificity, or if because I’m not bleeding anymore (due to taking Testosterone injections) that these reactions are actually layered over a monthly hormonal cycle I’ve lost track of? Other T takers: have you noticed similar or different effects?

Tiny locks for tiny chastity cages… One of my favorite sadistic activities is a combination of CBT and orgasm control.

I wish I was a part of a medical study. I’d like to be contributing to the better understanding of what taking Testosterone shots does to AFAB bodies.

Regardless, enjoy the photos! I have a lot of intrigues running through my mind these days. I need more people with whom I can play and express all the different parts of me that run through my imagination. There is a fear that holds me back from putting myself more fully out there on dating sites and such — the fear that I’m too masculine for those who like femmes, and too feminine for those who like masculinity, too trans for people who don’t understand non-binary gender, or not trans enough for those who have an idea of what trans looks like… Silly, I know, because at the end of the day my entire journey is about feeling more like me so that I can ultimately feel more comfortable around others in general. Desire is a rock and a hard place sandwiched between the judges in my head. At least Bound in Boston is happening this weekend, so I’ll get to blow off some steam while throwing rope with friendly strangers!

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.


"Hi, my name is _____ and I live in ____ (state). I'm calling to urge Senator _____ to vote NO on SESTA, Senate Bill 1693 because it infringes on the online free speech and community harm reduction practices. SESTA does not protect trafficking survivors- it only further criminalizes them and sex workers. I strongly encourage the Senator to vote no on this extremely important bill next Monday. Thank you."

Call your Senators and ask them to vote no on SESTA this coming Monday

There’s an interesting shift in power happening right now in the United States and elsewhere in the world. I’m sure you’ve noticed it. Prompted by men who finally pushed misogyny and patriarchal abuse too far, snapping the proverbial bra strap of woman-and-queerkind for the last time. If you want to blame someone for #MeToo’s popularity, or loud and demanding feminists making things impossibly hard for cis heterosexual white men, men, anti-feminists, misogynists, or anyone and everyone who doesn’t feel like rising to the times and pitching in to create a more equal and fair world, blame Harvey Weinstein, Brock Turner, red pill cronies, SWERFs, TERFs, white nationalists, and anyone acting on or uttering disrespectful rhetoric about another person’s bodily autonomy in hopes of dominating, objectifying, or subjugating a population so that they can feel superior.

We’re done with it.

Unfortunately we’re long from being untangled from the histories and experiences we’ve endured as minority people, and people who have been sexually harassed, coerced, or assaulted. We’re long from meaningful representation mirrored in society’s hierarchy, reflecting percentages of our actual population sizes in the numbers at the top of our ranks in public and private sectors. It will take a lot to balance what has been unbalanced for so long, and many people who are accustomed to power being a default part of their everyday experience, readily available and unchecked, are not interested in facing discomfort or learning to ride the tide of recalibration to a more equal nation.

Earlier this week I wrote about FOSTA, and today I encourage you to call your Senators to vote no on SESTA which is up for vote on Monday. I have, and it took about three minutes to leave messages for them both. SESTA is a similar bill to FOSTA and plays even worse and less thoughtfully than the House’s plan. Superficial stabs at morality through victimization of consenting adults is not helpful in the battle for sexual autonomy, free speech, or the quest to end misogyny. It puts no sex traffickers behind bars to drive them further underground. SESTA will do more harm than good, and this bill still affects the general public’s right to free speech, silences victims, and puts consenting sex workers in more danger as their platforms for safer negotiation disappear. SESTA is hoping to indict internet companies, including person to person platforms who “knowingly assist, support, or facilitate sex trafficking.”.

It is time to decriminalize consensual sex work. Our justice system needs to take seriously the already criminal status of rape, sexual coercion, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. It is time to go after actual abusers rather than terrorize and threaten workers who may or may not already be victims of abuse. Make the sex workplace safer by supporting what sex workers themselves say they want and need. There’s a great article here which does a good job talking about these things from the perspective of a former sex worker who was able to find help on the internet to move away from that work — don’t just take it from me. If you find yourself wondering what trafficking survivors and trafficking victim advocates have to say about FOSTA and SESTA, this is a really well laid out article which explains a lot of the inner workings of these issues too.

CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY: Put an end to SESTA, which is up for vote on Monday. The photo above is a great script for you to use when you do call. Thank you.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.


The bill, H.R. 1865, otherwise known as the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act”, or “FOSTA”,  passed the House last week even though it’s been deemed unconstitutional by the Department of Justice. This bill doesn’t do what it portends to, which is make it legal for prosecutors to go after internet companies who allow sex trafficking to be advertised on their websites. It’s already legal to prosecute sex trafficking and those who aid it. The current interest in FOSTA by our government officials is as a tool to indict Backpage on trafficking charges for allowing traffickers to advertise on their online service. This bill does a number of other things though, including threaten free speech on the internet, make it harder for smaller companies to grow and thrive, deny consensually working sex workers the safety of an open platform to find, vet, and negotiate with clients, and sends actual sex traffickers deeper into the underground where it will be harder for law enforcement to find them, much less prosecute.

By making internet companies liable for all content posted using their services (in a way which still makes it easy for large companies to deny knowing anything, and leaves smaller companies with limited resources high and dry), it forces internet companies to police consumers. This limits everyone’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression on the internet in the long run. Sex workers, sex trafficking survivors, free speech advocates, internet companies, even the Department of Justice, and a host of other groups have spoken out against this bill. Politicians are, as usual, happy to pass a badly written and poorly researched bill which looks good to uneducated constituents, all the while putting at risk the general public and harming sex workers who are disproportionately women, transpeople, frequently POC, and Queer. Surprised much?

A word on conflation: Do you know the difference between sex work and sex trafficking? An important thing to understand in our modern debate over freedom of one’s own body, is that there is a difference between sex trafficking and consensual commercial sex work. Sex trafficking is coerced sex work. Not all sex workers are coerced into their jobs. Many sex workers are happy with their chosen vocation.

Loosely defined a sex worker is a person employed by the sex industry. The sex industry is vast and includes strippers, professional dominants/submissives/switches, prostitutes, adult entertainment actors/producers/crew members/management, phone sex operators, web cam performers, sex surrogates, sexologists, and a host of other occupations. As you can see not all sex workers trade sexual contact for money. People who choose sex work come from and have a variety of backgrounds, fields of interest, levels of education, ethnicities, genders and sexes, relationship statuses, body types, and have varied personal and professional boundaries regarding what activities they will and will not engage in for pay. Every sex worker I know decides who they will take on as a client or employer, and what activities they are comfortable engaging in, with whom, under what circumstances, and when. Like any other industry there are even sex worker unions in some areas of the country which help SWs advocate for their needs on the job and help ensure their safety to a higher degree. Some people engage in sex work infrequently, informally, or for a short period of time in order to make ends meet (also known as “survival sex work”), and some sex workers view their job as a full time, long term occupation.

Sex trafficking (forced sex work, or sex slavery), is the term used to describe anyone who is forced to engage in sex work against their will, or who is coerced into it against their choice.

When law enforcement or the media talk about sex trafficking, they often conflate the issue with consensual sex work. They often go after, traumatize, and harm people who are making a living consensually and as safely as they are able to negotiating with clients in order to pay the bills.

Why does it matter that we make a distinction between sex workers and sex traffickers? The most immediate reason I can think of is safety. The safety of sex workers when consensually vetting, negotiating with, or working with a client is threatened when there is no discernment between what they are doing and what a victim of sex trafficking is being forced into doing. As sex workers are forced further and further underground under the guise of (due to a conflation with) “stop sex trafficking” measures, SWs lose access to a level of safety and protection which open air conversations provide. When everyone’s freedom of speech is restricted concerning sex work, and the places sex workers can be found are more and more remote or coded, a SW’s ability to reasonably vet clients, stand up to bosses who they feel are coercing them, report abuse/assault/rape, demand condom use, have access to meaningful healthcare, or any number of other wrongdoings becomes increasingly difficult to bring to light without the fear of retribution, being ignored, blamed, abused, or worse.

In study after study it has been shown that when sex work is decriminalized, STI rates drop as do rates of rape and domestic abuse in the general population. Decriminalization of consensual commercial sex work is not the same as decriminalization of sex trafficking. Everyone is better served by making these distinctions and going after the real bad guys. Bad guys who are frequently not women, trans people, queers, and POC (just sayin’). We need to demand more from our elected officials.

Play On My Friends,
~ Creature

Please support my work on Patreon. For one time donations click here: Support the Artist 
~Thank you.

Age Verification: www.ABCsOfKink.com addresses adult sensual and sexual information, including imagery associated with a wide variety of BDSM topics and themes. This website is available to readers who are 18+ (and/or of legal adult age within their districts). If you are 18+, please select the "Entry" button below. If you are not yet of adult age as defined by your country and state or province, please click the "Exit" link below. If you're under the age of consent, we recommend heading over to www.scarleteen.com — an awesome website, which is more appropriate to minors looking for information on these subjects. Thank you!